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  1. 605Scorpion


    I'm trying to get some screenshots of Portal objects on plain white/black backgrounds. How would it be easiest to do this? Through a rendering program, or maybe even Garry's mod?
  2. 605Scorpion

    CPU Fan

    How long can a CPU go without a fan? CPU in question is a q6600 and cooler is a Zalman 9500. The fan will jitter, but will not spin. I'm afraid to deliver power again for fear it might burn up the MoBo (happened on my previous rig). All I want to do is get into the BIOS and see if the fan is...
  3. 605Scorpion

    EP1 Feature Review

    Episodic games allow us the opportunity to see features and kill them or encourage them before the full game is born, so I'd like to take your attention to one aspect of EP1: Alyx's comments. Specifically, her "good job!" comments. Personally I cannot stand these and I feel like Valve is...
  4. 605Scorpion

    Music in Episode 1

    I remember music was a big deal to a lot of people with Half Life 2 (me included), so here is the list for Episode 1, in order of appearance. PS: If you're too lazy to make titles, I included mine. PPS: Get and use GCFScape before anyone asks where to get these. :hmph: (Path for the music...
  5. 605Scorpion

    Confused with Barney's Dialogue

    One of Barney's lines makes no sense to me. "Now it looks like we're going to have to cut a path through every chickenshit metrocop who's having second thought about defending City 17." What does he mean "cut a path through"? If they're contemplating abandoning their posts/duties/etc, why...
  6. 605Scorpion

    Impressive Stuff in Episode One

    I'll let the images speak for themselves... Mostly. Did Alyx always have sweat? I hate how in movies and video games heroines always have perfect makeup and such. How Alyx and Barney had some bruises and were dirty was very much welcome. :) This is more impressive in motion...
  7. 605Scorpion

    Shooter Mod?

    I've been wanting to make one of those shooter (Galaga, space invaders etc) games for years now, but it only occurred to me last night that I could make it as a Source Mod. I believe it would be fairly simple, most work being on coding. The only complicated thing I see is that I would like to...
  8. 605Scorpion

    Episode 1 Performance

    This is rather strange... I preloaded Episode 1 on both my computers, and whilst it worked perfectly (save for one crash) on my PC, it never advances past the main menu loading screen on my laptop. It just sits there with the "loading" picture waiting for the citadel splash map to load. While...
  9. 605Scorpion

    Single Player Mods?

    The only ones I know of are Metastasis (I think that's what it's called) and some mod in World War II, except it doesn't suck because it's not an America fights Germany in France scenario. I believe it was from the German point of view (sweetness on its own) and you were parachuting into Crete...
  10. 605Scorpion

    EMailing Valve

    Does Valve even answer e-mails anymore? The answer thread seems to have died.
  11. 605Scorpion

    New Picture?

    I was browsing Gamespot, along with their horrible screenshot system, and came upon this: I don't stay terribly up to date, so this might be old. Is it?
  12. 605Scorpion

    Changing the HUD

    I asked in the modding forums, to no avail. I'll try my luck here. All I want to do is edit the HUD. What I want to do is remove the entire HUD except for the quick info bars. If it's possible, I'd also like to change what quick info displays. As it is, I believe the left bar is your health...
  13. 605Scorpion

    Tweaking Single Player

    I pretty much never play multiplayer on any game, and Counter Strike is no exception. The single player is good enough, however, the thing that bugs me is how you're limited to the number of bots you can have. I'm not so much bothered by the total bot ceiling, but instead I'd like to arrange...
  14. 605Scorpion


    I have no experience in modding, and basically want to know if I should bother starting. All I want to do is edit the HUD. What I want to do is remove the entire HUD except for the quick info bars. If it's possible, I'd also like to change what quick info displays. As it is, I believe the...
  15. 605Scorpion

    I've Bought My Copy

    At a discount to boot. How 'bout y'all?
  16. 605Scorpion

    Turrets Changed?

    I'm wondering if perhaps the turrets have been changed in an update... I used to be able to whorde the friendly turrets in Entaglement so that I had about eight turrets for the teleporter sequence, :borg: but now they fire on me - which they previously didn't - and the enemies. Is this a...
  17. 605Scorpion

    Half Life 2 English Only?

    I'll probably be taking a vacation soon, where I shall be employing my Spanish/German. Of course I'll naturally want to show off Half Life 2, but I bought in the US, so of course it's English. Are foreign versions of games actually in other languages? And if so, is it possible to turn my...
  18. 605Scorpion

    Opposition Force and Blue Shift

    Can they be played in whatever order? I only recently recieved Blue Shift (stupid guy never sent it; got a refund and bought from another), and I personally think the guard's perspective would be more interesting than the Marine's. Or should I play them in a specific order?
  19. 605Scorpion

    Yet Another Whack Theory

    This is all something that adds up in my little crazy head o' mine, but I'll proport it as fact 'cause I don't feel like saying "I think" every other sentence.;) Take a look at this pic o' your standard zombie. You can see that headcrabs have...
  20. 605Scorpion

    The Last Unidentified Song!

    Some of y'all might remember I was trying to get the order in which the songs play awhile back, but there were a few that had me stuck. Today, I've gotten all but one: HL2_song25_Teleporter. Also known as Miscount Detected on the OST. For the life of me I can't spot this song when it pops up...