Hey, it's been a while since I've posted here, or done any mapping in Hammer. I had this little problem a year ago, the last time I mapped, and I never found a solution to it. It's probably really easy, but I have been searching the editing wiki and all over for an answer to no avail.
Same thing for me, just go to: view, "go to coordinates", and type in "1 1 1", and it should bring you to the center point of your map. I have to do this everytime I load a map in hammer now, it's kind of annoying, but atleast now I can map again after the update. Before the models were...
Hey, Hammer never used to do this, but recently it has been showing spiked models and other strange graphical glitches:
Has this happened to anyone else, or do all I need to do is update my drivers. I'll try that, but another question I have is: see how the four windows are seperated in...
Thanks for the comments guys. These are all just sketches that I do for fun, and practice. A lot of it is sketches from various Master's paintings, like Kramskoy, Repin, Bouguereau, etc. that I like to take notes on so I can see how they were successful at what they did. The sculptures are...
Here's some stuff from my sketchbook, and some sculptures I've done this semester. I have a lot more work, but this is what I have pictures of at the moment:
and here's a painting I did over vacation, it's not really finished, oh well.
Some of you may remember this map I started a couple months back, from this thread in the mapping section: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=87127&page=3
I havn't had much time to work on it since I started college, and I won't have time until summer, so since it's winter break I...
That happened to me also. I just went to the steam menu, without any games open or running, and opened the server window, and changed the filters to CSS only. Then when I started CSS again, the list was back to normal.
It is a bit much for software, but it's made and designed for professional uses. Things like advertising and movie effects, tons of companies use photoshop, I think the cost of the software is tied to how much the movie company will be making from the movie. Same with 3dsmax. If your going to...
Oh well, it's supposed to look Mexican\Wild Westish, and since Inferno is in Mexico, as far as I know, I suppose I succeeded at making it look Mexican. I will still look into working on some more models and textures so it has a more original feel to it.
If I understand your...
Thanks Pesmerga. I totally re-did B-site, and I've been trying to make it less boxy. I think it looks a lot better now. I also added some dust clouds. You can't see it that well in the screenshot, but it looks good ingame. Also, FYI I have atleast 30 custom textures excluding the textures I...
I'm glad they're finally making multiple models per team an option. I hope they get 4 models per team eventually like 1.6. It's a lot more interesting playing with different player models. I don't really mind the realistic aspect of having a British SAS with a Navy seal, or arctic players on...
Un update. Crits welcome. I'm running out of ideas in terms of what details to add, so if you think of anything that will make the map look better, do tell.
It looks like your textures fine. I think the problem is in the VMT file.
From what I can tell, your best option is to apply a multi-sub object material
in Max, and make the glass and whatever section you want two sided/
transparent part of a different texture. Sometimes the VMT settings...
I noticed you have part of the alpha channel completely see through, and the glass part is transparent.
I did a quick retexture of my test to see if this would work, and it did. I added a black section to the texture and the alpha channel:
And here's what it looks like in Hammer:
Here's the Third Image from my first post.
When you have the Alpha channel selected, hit: Ctrl L
That will bring up the little bar to set the level of translucency of the alpha channel.
I knew it could be done, but I just did a quick test to make sure I knew what I was talking about. I threw together a texture and model . The left most one is the texture, center is the alpha channel, and right is the alpha translucency setting (make it about half so that you can see through...