Welcome comrade, I am glad to have you here in most socialist forum on internet. We have 20 years of experiences in computing and discuss problems ranging from herniatic discs to fluids in lungs to luring ladies to your bed (nice!).
We hope you have great a joyous time on our forums.
"All men by nature desire knowledge." is a good one here.
Or you can do like Arthur Schopenhauer and really get her heart going for you:
"Men are by nature merely indifferent to one another; but women are by nature enemies."
Now go out there and grind your loins. Spread God's seed on God's fields.
Het is watching this thread, with eagle eyes.
Krynn is right on so many levels with the ladies but now goes a completely different way with 'life outside of halflife2.net'. There's three levels of life outside of hl2:
1) You leave and live a perfectly happy life.
2) You leave and have a clown...
The hardest part I think is hiding the body.
I mean, it's a whole chore every single time. Quicklime? Shallow grave near mangrove trees? There's so much to plan.
Especially with that whole CSI thing going on nowadays. It's such a fad, trying to find the body, nowadays that it's just not funny...
Cool story, Krynn. You really got to the bottom of that philosophical question there.
I had chili dogs and fries last night, now for breakfast I'll have to go Calhoun's side but without the chocolate milk as that goes right to my thighs and I'll become a fatty like Danimal.
As a female on an all male internet neckbeard forum you're very brave to venture forth with your gender. I assume no one has asked you for your full details yet for hot internet meeting? Or an a/s/l for that matter?