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  1. Au-heppa

    From Earth

    From Earth is a science fiction first person game where the player, taking on the role of Zenaida Liu, lands on an alien planet that has never been visited by humans before. Pursued by the planet's government, she must find her partner Anthony Yaremov and continue her mission. With little...
  2. Au-heppa

    Gabe Newell Talks About Valve's Organisational Structure

    Yeah, if it was, I would not worry. But as I don't have a specialization I feel like there isn't a whole lot of options for me.
  3. Au-heppa

    Gabe Newell Talks About Valve's Organisational Structure

    Yet the thing I worry most about getting into the industry is not having specialization.
  4. Au-heppa

    ValveTime TalkTime - Episode 3: Valve Films

    Happy ValveTime everyone
  5. Au-heppa

    ValveTime TalkTime - Episode 2: Steam Workshop

    I was brainstorming for a comment to make. My first idea was simply "Looks like a bunch of hipsters", but I wasn't too happy with it. Then I thought about "Needs less Glenn". That didn't feel right either. It just felt like there was nothing new there. Right now I am thinking "It's great thing...
  6. Au-heppa

    ValveTime TalkTime - Episode 1: SteamBox

    Well, since it looks like you have managed to replace William's beard, I will give this my blessing.
  7. Au-heppa

    Steam Community Market Beta Launches

    There should be a way to take a picture of myself holding my 0.04 steam euros I made with this thing
  8. Au-heppa

    ValveTime Weekly News Round-Up - 19th November 2012

    Glenn asked me to post here so that it didn't look like only (?) staff members posted on these things.
  9. Au-heppa

    Portal 2 DLC Perpetual Testing Initiative Released!

    True, I do hope they would extend the sharing feature to their other games.
  10. Au-heppa

    Portal 2 DLC Perpetual Testing Initiative Released!

    That doesn't make any sense. People were doing maps for Portal 2 before this. Nothing has changed except that now there are more people making maps for Portal 2, but most probably the talented ones were already making maps for Portal 2 before this. I am hoping for Valve made maps, because they...
  11. Au-heppa

    Portal 2 DLC Perpetual Testing Initiative Released!

    So, is there actual playable content in this DLC?
  12. Au-heppa

    CS:GO Key Giveaway – Create A ValveTime Tagline

    "ValveTime dot net?"
  13. Au-heppa

    Do rabbits have souls?

    Everything cute and spiders have a soul. Dogs and humans don't, which is why dogs get along with human so well.
  14. Au-heppa

    Zombie Master Postmortem

    Good write up. Also: This.
  15. Au-heppa

    Making Of - ValveTime Alyx Intro

    What would be the point if Glenn wasn't in them?
  16. Au-heppa

    Portal 2 Puzzle Creator in Internal Beta + Steam Workshop Support

    If only Valve gave any mod support to games other than Portal 2 and L4D :P
  17. Au-heppa

    Upgrade to - Planned Down Time

    Upgrade your account to ValveTime now! Premium for only 9.99!