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  1. 99.vikram

    Lessons from Valve - How to build a designer's paradise

    An interesting article by someone who got to see Valve's workflow first hand: It's amazing, the enormous lengths to which Valve goes to keep innovating and maintain quality. This blog really highlights the...
  2. 99.vikram

    Some questions to the Gods...

    With the recent spate of hacking incidents across the internet, I thought it's important that we have some info on how safe our credentials are here. So without further ado... 1. Are passwords stored in plaintext? 2. Do you use hashing algorithms like SHA, or key derivation methods like...
  3. 99.vikram

    Interesting take on how portals work.. I'm no theoretical physicist, but as questionable as the science seems (naked singularities? Not in MY universe!) I love the fact that (s)he spent some time thinking about this. Read. Judge. Discuss.
  4. 99.vikram

    Coolest machine generated tunes ever - Otomata

    It's incredibly beautiful, it's unpredictable, it's entertaining and it's all done using cellular automata! Anyway, check it out here: Here's a tune I've been listening to for, like, an hour now...
  5. 99.vikram

    Chandrayaan-1 uncovers miniature magnetic field on moon, potential site for moonbase

    Well, this has been one fruitful mission! First ice on the moon, now a magnetic field? Awesome! This magnetic field could offer some protection from solar winds, reducing the need for shielding on a future moonbase. We're now closer to mining Helium-3 with an army of clones than ever! :bounce:
  6. 99.vikram

    Can a Londoner do me a favor?

    I'll be in London with my family for a couple of days this June. Can someone recommend a dirt cheap place to stay there? An inn/motel/anything will do, as long as roaches don't outnumber people in the neighborhood. Also, please suggest some uber cheap eateries, and the best way to get around...
  7. 99.vikram

    Cop bleeds to death as Ministers watch (India). Faith in humanity: Underflow

    I know you guys often post stories of how authority figures do evil stuff or abuse their power, but here's some perspective. Nothing I have ever seen before matches this for sheer grotesquery. A cop severs his artery and lies on the road begging for help. Two ministers stand around and do...
  8. 99.vikram

    Check out mah new blog,!

    Linky For a while I've just been learning the basics but I think I can start on some serious projects now, so I made a blog/code dump. Please ignore the stock theme, and post links your own technical blogs!
  9. 99.vikram

    Aww, how cute.. a 13 year old dad! Wait, I meant depressing. :|

    The real world is so much wierder than TV sometimes. LINK I'm not surprised by the (15 year old) mother's background though. What awesome role models her parents must be! MaybeI've just been reading too much Ayn Rand, but now there's one more creature that's going to suckle on society's teat...
  10. 99.vikram

    Mumbai terror attacks - FBI, Scotland Yard: "Sufficient proof"; Pakistan: "**** You!"

    And in other news, Pakistan continues to be a cesspit of religious extremism and a pain in the ass to the secular world. Sometimes I wish we'd just pull an Israel on them. FFS we can see the terror camps on f*cking Google earth. :|
  11. 99.vikram

    In Soviet Russia, lake contaminates YOU

    STALKER: Shadow of Chelyabinsk I think it'd make a great game.
  12. 99.vikram

    Go Texas!

    From the state that gave us Bush Jr. Just when I was starting to regain my faith in humanity too...
  13. 99.vikram

    Disgruntled programmer holds San Francisco computer network ransom

    Code monkeys of the world unite! The revolution is upon us. Badass.
  14. 99.vikram

    Oh sweet lord..Fox did it again

    Obama and his wife apparently exchanged some sort of secret terrorist greeting. Of course, normal people would call it a fist bump (not to be confused with fisting). For your *facepalm*ing pleasure.
  15. 99.vikram

    3D in your browser

    From Rock, Paper, Shotgun: This is a bit nifty. A Russian company called Alternativa are working on a 3D engine that runs in straight, browser Flash. And flipping crikey, it?s not bad. There?s a couple of demo areas you can trudge about - a science fiction-themed bunker (with footsteps I?d...
  16. 99.vikram

    Dropping a mental turd here...

    I wrote this because I was getting bored/depressed. I decided to dump it here. Enjoy. It doesn't matter what I do. I feel this horrible, omnipresent loneliness hanging over my shoulder. No, not over my shoulder. It's staring me in the face every second of my existence. As long as I busy...
  17. 99.vikram

    Scathing early review of new Indy movie (Spoilers)

    (MAJOR SPOILERS!!!) Oh, why'd you do it, Lucas? If this isn't a fake (likely), then it confirms the worst fanboy fears - horrible plot, cliched dialogue, no tension, bad CGI and awful acting. Noooo!
  18. 99.vikram

    Weezer's new single - Pork and Beans.

    Is it awesome? y/n Personally, I love it. It's very reminiscent of their earlier albums, very catchy. An awesome pop song, IMO. Lyrics: Youtube Link (Song only).
  19. 99.vikram

    The other Operating System (no, not OSX)

    After much deliberation I decided that I had to alert the internets to the awesome experience I've had with Lunix. I mean Linux. I installed PCLinuxOS a couple of months back, having read that it's a great newbie-friendly distro. The installation itself went quite smoothly (I used my trusty...
  20. 99.vikram

    Rolling Stones' best songs of 2007...I cried

    LINK. Jay-Z's Roc Boys at #1, Rihanna's Umbrella at #3. Need I say more? Watch how all your favourite tracks got passed over for some of the filthiest wank to emerge from the year 2007. :flame: