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    Gman and Aperture

    This is not Star Trek... Say you, because you don't know a lot. Unfortunately it does make a difference, you just have to dig into this forum to get to know stuff.
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    Hunters are FAIL.

    They aren't that easy on Hard.
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    Ep3; Your Pitch

    you do realize that Gordon has been on an alien planet fighting the most fugliest creatures ever ?
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    Shabby treatment of The Orange Box on G4

    what kinda broken german was that ? @topic; TF2 = Quake ? I don't think so... though I don't like both of them. (Fortress Forever >>>> TF2)
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    EP 3 = Welcome back to Xen/Black Mesa? (Heavy Spoiler)

    I hate Xen and Black Mesa has been nuked. So... no.
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    'Lost' Reference

    And G-Man = Jacob ? No, that wouldn't make sense. The G-Man reference has actually already been done. Jack's father in the suit and with the tie. He just walks around the corner and disappears.
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    Episode Three Release Date

    Of course, it would be absolutely retarded to Release HL4, which could also be HL2: EP4, which is actually interfering with HL3 supposed to be HL2 Ep 1-3. Damn... do they want to pull-off an Final Fantasy !? (Concerning western release dates and numeration)
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    Episode 3 speculation

    as I said, it will most probably end the combine invasion. (which is "opening up the next story arc")
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    Anybody else annoyed?

    Wanna introduce me to your sister ? :naughty:
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    Episode 3 speculation

    I'm stilling missing the zero-gravity/wormhole/stargate/randomscientificexpression grenade, that was enabled through a hack in Episode 1. I always thought they put it into Episode 2... well, I'm hoping for Episode 3 to have it. Other than that, this episode could be the biggest, as it's...
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    Bullsquid? Houndeyes?

    most probably they weren't put into the game anymore because it doesn't seem too realistic for those creatures to survive in our environment/other word I can't remember, but it's basically our air and it's consistence. Plus, I've never been a friend of those two, they were just too fugly...
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    So what did you do/plan to do with your extra copy of HL2 & Ep1?

    I only bought Episode 2, because I'm not ok with this orange box idea.
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    Gman monologue in here! SPOILER!

    If that's so, then he may even gave the combine/advisors the hint that eli was there.
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    Gman (Spoilers)

    I don't think so. I don't think at all, that back then Eli knew that the G-Man and Gordon had a connection. (not even Gordon knew it)
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    The Roaming Gnome (*SPOILERS*)

    n1 did you get anything special after having all the achievements ?
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    Did any one think some the achievements are a little silly?

    but maybe they have something special waiting for you when you've got all the achievements. Unfortunately, no one will know it... ever.
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    everything the vortigaunt traveling with you said when he praised you like you're his pimp. I had to laugh every time when he said how awesome and genious I am. lol
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    Did any one think some the achievements are a little silly?

    I didn't get one achievement... don't ask me why... when I went into -dev -console, it actually said in the uper-left corner that it is disabled...
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    LOST Easteregg

    woho, calm down the horses, little one. @topic; I've heard about it yesterday, thanks for the sceens. I always love such "tributes" to other great things.
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    Ok i dont know if any one else noticed this...

    Yeah, I'm just shooting stuff nowadays.