Technically, though, since the stasis, Judith is probably about 20 years older than Gordon, so they are not the same age in HL2, but they are in HL1. Bit of a mind****, but due to that Alyx would be around the same age as Gordon, because he's still 27.
It's a ball of molten hydrogen and helium. It won't ever have permanent features, but some sun spots, and solar prominences can last years. The most interesting thing about it for me, is that the sun is a very loud place due to all of the burning, and constant explosions. So if it were possible...
Not sure if you need a very large case, but I recommend this one.
It's got a ton of room, you can hide your cords, cools off quick and easy, and has more drive bays than anybody who isn't running a server out of it could ever...
Yeah, scary, aint it? I didn't think about it till after I posted that, but that's kinda exactly what Dyson was doing, is what Intel does. :l
Autopilot? more like autoDIEALOT
I bet we'll get an upgraded lens in that Hubble Telescope, and zoom right in on an alien's ass who has evolved past the need for clothes, and censorship.
Looks like chicago got it easy... it's snowing ping-pong balls here in STL still, on top of ice, and re-freezing snow every half inch it snows, because the sun melts it, then passes behind a cloud, then it turns into ice. Winter sucks.