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  1. Iron Kat

    My G-Man Theory (Never heard anyone else say it before.)

    All I can think is "please, no, not more of this". Damn noobs. WE'VE HEARD JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE GMAN THEORY THERE IS! PLEASE STOP!
  2. Iron Kat


    I wish forum member's birthdays were still featured on the home page like they used to be. I don't know if anyone else has on the forum has their birthday today, though. And for those of you who have forgotten, yes it is my birthday today!
  3. Iron Kat


    Why does my foot always have to be dead right when I need to get my food before it overcooks/burns?
  4. Iron Kat

    Ban time.

    This. So so so this.
  5. Iron Kat

    Will you boycott HL3?

    Or else be released just on mobile devices.
  6. Iron Kat

    So I Got Lamar A Friend, Just In Time For Xmas...

    I need a turret plushie too! Preferably the talking one! I may buy it with Christmas money. Oh, you also need a Vrtigaunt and a companion cube. I have both.
  7. Iron Kat

    Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

    New Build-A-Bear plushie: Sunpat the Peanut Butter Cub! And a jar of Sun-Pat peanut butter. Not pictured are the Oreos and Caramel Shortcakes I got from Home Bargains.
  8. Iron Kat

    I don't know if I qualify as a Newbie, but..

    Nice to see you back, dude! :D
  9. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I went by myself. A handler is a person who looks after the suiter, making sure kids and stupid people don't damage the suit, provide water, answer peoples questions on behalf of the suiter and take photos.
  10. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Crazy Golf in fursuit! I managed nine out of twenty holes without a break and also beat my mum who was my handler!
  11. Iron Kat


    So what do you guys think of the new Doctor?
  12. Iron Kat

    re: depressed as hell. Looking for suggestions.

    Of course, the furry fandom isn't for everyone and you will always come across people who don't understand and say negative (not to mention stereotypical) comments to us but I've found it a great fandom. I've met so many awesome people and going out suiting is a lot of fun, but you're right, it...
  13. Iron Kat


    I hate to have to post this here as well, and i really hope this isn't going against any forum rules (I would hate to banned after being here for so long) but I'm getting desperate.
  14. Iron Kat

    re: depressed as hell. Looking for suggestions.

    My suggestion is: BECOME A FURRY! It worked for me!
  15. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Latest pic of me without my fursuit head. Still wearing the paws, sleeves and tail, though. I was suiting at a supermarket (a little while after this photo was taken) which was so much fun!
  16. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    CaraFox fursuit minus footpaws
  17. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Me and my boyfriend. And an asshole photobombing us. (Cheers for that, Adcro)
  18. Iron Kat

    The time has come..

    I thought i recognised the image. I always thought it was a blurry sheep.
  19. Iron Kat

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Two more photos from the furmeet. The first is me and my friend Skippy with the Pinkie Pie plush she snagged (and almost wouldn't give back to its owner); the second is me with Art the husky and Ari the blue wolf (the cutest wolf ever. And the squeakiest wolf!).