Right I didn't mean they would be physically related, or that he's her father. Biological or adoptive. Though really that doesn't seem any more crazy than the other theories floating around.
It still seems strange that they would end up right next together like that, and he does say "You don't...
I was just re-reading the LAB RAT comic that valve released, and this struck me as odd.
Could the Ratman possibly be related to Chell somehow? It's noted on Chell's file that she never gives up, and as we know the Ratman seems to also have that same tenacity. He also says that it's...
They've basically perfectly set up Portal 3 as a direct sequel and as a prequel. Chell's story in aperture science might be over, but that doesn't mean she won't pop up somewhere else. I mean Chell is in a field, somewhere. That's not a very concrete ending if you ask me. She could still be in...
Upgrade your system?
The only instability people seem to be reporting is the server vomiting everyone out occasionally. But as Glenn said the team has been working hard to fix it.
How's that sound, the team actually patching their game on release day. Now thats dedication :p
This is very useful information if you do any web development.
I can't believe IE6 still has market share. I've gotten more headaches from trying to cater my code to its flaws than if I had spent my time smashing my head on a brick wall.
I'm loving this game to bits. Crazy addictive, challenging and just damn interesting.
Doing my first play through with a rogue has been rough. I don't have the AOE power that I would like.
Well... no. You don't NEED to download the D2D download manager to play a game that D2D happens to sell. If you buy it from retail then you're off the hook.
The problem is that you must download steam if you're going to be buying MW2 from anywhere.
I enjoyed the 30 minute demo for what it was.
Also anyone expecting L4D2 to change their mind on the L4D game is brain damaged. It's clearly the same framework with more stuff, which is what Valve said they were doing all along. I don't have a problem with that.
PoeticRocker, you have convinced me that L4D3 must take place in Miami.
A cop character that wears sunglasses and drops one liners after every significant kill would be AMAZING.
Never really an ibanez guy, or a shred guitar guy for that matter.
Might have something to do with never really liking many "shred" songs.
So I stick with my ES335 and my Jaguar.
In no particular order
Do Make Say Think - & Yet & Yet
Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out Of Something
Sonic Youth- Sonic Nurse
I wouldn't really say these are my top 3... when you end up really loving an entire album from start to finish it's kinda hard to just chose 3 that are your...
Recording of me fooling around with my pitch shifter, delay pedal and amp. There's two tracks here, one with guitar and the bass loop, and one with just guitar.