Don't try the demo. If you have songs on your computer that you like to listen to, then you won't be able to not buy it after using up your free 3 runs.
I don't have a say in this other than being a minor community member, but the way I see it, the community is really quite large for a site about a single game (even one as great as HL2), probably larger than any of the founding member(s) imagined when it was started.
So it is...
He does have a certain energy. Like mojo, but it would be called "concentrated gay hoejo"
I think he's mimicing ernest.
He gets mouthy you just can't hear it cause he's whispering it in the cops ear. What else you don't see is the fact that he fondled the cop's crotch as soon as he got out of the car. At least that's what the officer told me, he's my uncle.
Let us remember that high priced boutique items like these are for people with the money or the (stupid if they go into debt) will to spend just to have a really cool thing. It's like down here where I live a wealthy family has a Lambo but another local has a souped up Corvette he's spent a lot...
Mmmmm that's some good material. Although the cost to actually own is too high for me, still isn't that always the way it goes with pretty pictures.
Superbad 10/10, simply the best teen comedy I've seen in years. In the movie genre overall I don't think any teen comedy can be past an 7/10 and most comedy itself a 9/10, with rare exception. A really universal 10/10 movie has to be a drama. So by my math Superbad as teen comedy is 10, as...
I think it's supposed to be a background type game on the PS3, like it'll run in the background of the PS3 main menu when you bring that screen up, then you can just watch or mess with it and play then leave the menu and go back to whatever you were doing on your God Machine 3. Seriously with...
My friend just let me basically have (borrow indefinitely) an Epiphone Les Paul. Thing is it's just the guitar and a pick, so I guess I should pick up an amp and I'd have all I need to start practicing with it? (new to electric guitar and basically music as a whole) I'm sure some of you would be...
Money belongs to everyone. Did Jesus not say that if you are better off than others that you need to better people worse than you to be comparable to your current state?
I'm a save freak so I just reloaded whenever I died and ended up with plenty of ammo since I used all the melee/wrench plasmids. I even had the freeze wrench so high I could technically kill a big daddy with the wrench just by constantly freezing it and doing low damage, though it would take...