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  1. urseus

    Who thinks HL3 will start on a train ride?

    I was very disapointed there was no lengthy train ride in HL2. It would have been very easy to put him on the train a little further back, have it go in and out tunnels and see the city, and all lots of stuff going on. Somone at valve just got lazy.
  2. urseus

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    Exactly, bad time. We have the best time, because were all finishing work. I wouldnt be able to play it if i lived at that timezone.
  3. urseus

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    Once again, Valve times its huge releases in perfect tandom with Australian gamers. Its 5pm here now. A long nite of quality gaming to come. Thankyou valve for finally thinking of a land down under. Where women blow and men chunder.
  4. urseus

    more copyprotection plz or is banning 20000 keys enough?

    Theres no need to "crack" half life 2 single player. You just go to your friends house, login under your name which youve paid for HL2, and download the game. Then your friend just turns off his modem, and logs in with your details in offline mode. You can then go home and play the game online...
  5. urseus

    Black Mesa East - A missing link in the story?

    Well that whole "certain point of view" was one of the biggest cop outs of any story. Lucas just threw it in when he realised that he would be making sequals to what he thought was a one off chance to make his space movie. Darth Vader killing Lukes father was just there to strengthen the drama...
  6. urseus

    Need help beating last level (end game)

    You must be taking too long to get to the top. Start again at another autosave, blast through the combine quick as you can, dont spend time firing balls at them, blow then away with your grav gun.
  7. urseus

    *CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

    Aparently physically moving RAM sticks around to different slots on your motherboard is working for some people. Give it a try....
  8. urseus

    Dont you get it, Valve?

    You cant kill pivital characters, like alyx or some guy who you have to follow into a basement fair enough. But that stupid chick that was sitting in a drain, "you go on, i have to wait for anyone else" i wanted to be able to blow her brains out. Her death would have done nothing to hurt...
  9. urseus

    Is installing a headache?

    You dont have to download files if you buy the game. You install it, then connect to the internet and unlock the game.
  10. urseus

    The Animated Main Menu

    Theres got to be a way to disable it for a plain splash screen. Like a console command maybe. I just found the command to make the dead bodies clip each other for a nice pile up effect of combine.
  11. urseus

    Anyone notice the sun never goes away?

    Theyre what we here in the 21st century call "lights". Electricity fools the heathens everytime.
  12. urseus

    Cant play the game I payed for

    Shit man i feel for you, thats a whole lot of cash. I mean, stopping you from playing a video game for an hour when youve shelled out THAT much money, i mean, whoa. Surly theres some kind of civil action we can get organised.
  13. urseus

    For those of u who have played both games hl2 and halo 2

    I know that, but for most people dont really like counterstrike all that much, and play it because its mp source. Its still just the same counterstrike with better graphics. Tiny deathmatch mods are all well and good for somone to knock together untill real mods come out (like next year...
  14. urseus

    Cant play the game I payed for

    We are all enjoying the game and it is fantastic. FANTASTIC!
  15. urseus

    For those of u who have played both games hl2 and halo 2

    I mean really valve, how hard is it to throw together a simple Half life 2 deathmatch mp.
  16. urseus

    should i get halflife2?

    I hear its going to be ratshit. Steer clear of it.
  17. urseus

    for those of us in the midnight region...

    I forgot about daylight savings. It will be 7pm for Sydney. Dammit to hell.
  18. urseus

    for those of us in the midnight region...

    6pm suckas. Aussie Aussie Aussie.
  19. urseus

    Anyone else going to do this?

    The internet is going to implode on tuesday. The combination of people unlocking, downloading, and forums exploding with praise anger disapointment and "this is bullshyte, all my textures are broken - plz he;lp."
  20. urseus

    Anyone else going to do this?

    The game comes out at 6pm on tuesday afternoon for aussies. Absolutly perfect release date. Gives me enough time to get home from work, plus a massive swab of time to play it with. Finally we dont get screwed over by timezones.