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  1. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Hunh. For that matter, if you look directly south of the dates....does that say Loading Gun? Pardon my ignorance, but WTF is a loading gun? When does one use a gun to load something? Don't tell me it's used to load a gun, because then it would be Gun Loader.
  2. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Mmm. And to the right of the dates is obviously Valve having a joke (read it- Steam Steam Valve Steam Valve Valve, etc.). I wonder if this is meant to indicate that the blueprints are another red herring like Alan Shephard.
  3. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    It's pretty plainly spelled out on their website that they aren't official.
  4. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    You know, I keep hearing people talk about how the BM portals were "better" than Aperture's. I still disagree. They weren't better- they simply were for a different use. A tank's engine can't be compared to a Porsche's engine, in terms of power, speed, etc. They both are for different purposes...
  5. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Hm. Replaying HL2, when you get to Black Mesa East, Judith (I think her name is) talks about how they are still working on a stable local portal device. This is what I was talking about way, way back when- that I didn't understand why Aperture wouldn't get any funding. Black mesa could travel...
  6. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    What about her? If you mean, what's the deal with essentially the game Portal, it's just there to tell more story and give more background on Glados. If you mean, what happened to Chell, I'm sure we'll find out. If you mean, if Glados is so powerful, why is she bothering with the whole nonsense...
  7. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Hey, wait a sec. That's not the worst of ideas. Okay, what if Glados has a copy of some experimental 3D holographic software. She creates the G-Man. She doesn't have perfect control over his form- thus the funny way he speaks. This also explains his ability to appear in locked rooms and such...
  8. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    As has everyone else, I've given this a lot of thought and come up with dozens of theories. My latest theory is something along these lines: Valve is very story-centric (and good on them!). Everyone wanted to know why Ep02 took so long, and it was so they could release the Orange Box, right...
  9. B

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    Some thoughts: 1. We know Johnson went crazy. We know the guy who left the messages in portal behind the scenes is crazy. And it seems a bit much to expect that someone would have snapped from only the beginning stuff that you are exposed to. Plus, how would the crazy guy (note, when I say...