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  1. {Ka-Tet} Eddie D

    New HL2 Mod NEEDS more team members.

    Hello; A clann buddy of mine and I are in the procces of making a new mod for HL2, but seeing as to how we only have 2 modelers, and 1 mapper, we are in need of other team members. We have started a little bit on the mod, just making models, and starting on maps. We still need a coder...
  2. {Ka-Tet} Eddie D

    Help with smd and otheres thigns.

    I am not to sure.......That is why I am asking for help. ALSO, if anyone deos use 3ds MAX, and expor to smd, when I do that, I select on Export, do the save name and all that, and get the SND expot thing, and I press Export, I get this..... Writing 15 Node(s)... * "Plane01" * "Cone01" *...
  3. {Ka-Tet} Eddie D

    Help with smd and otheres thigns.

    Hello everyone. I need a little help here, been useing 3ds MAX 2008 to make a model for a BG2 (Battlegrounds 2, a HL2 mod) map, but having issues........... I got the tut for this grass model I made here........ Now, as far as I know, I followed...