Do you have any half life ones?
Anyways, I love every single one of them. You're brilliant with colors. In the very second picture on the first post of the first page, what are the settings for your brush? I'm talking of the blue bubbles of air or whatever that is. I know its 100% hardness, but...
How does he crawl into tiny spaces then? Why can't he telepathically do anything else like pwning headcrabs or fly over stupid gates that need heavy decyphering to open?
The pokeball topic is dumb, the creatures' size is irrelevant as they get pulled into a small ball, which shrinks afterwards. Has nothing to do with holding big ass guns. If you want to use that analogy, then Gordan's guns shrink and clip onto his belt.
How in the holy HELL does Gordan hold all those guns? In Left 4 Dead, your main character can hold a biggie, equipped with a tiny pistol, a medical backpack with some pills and maybe a bottle or pipe bomb on the other hand.
Gordan can hold:
Heavy Ass Zero Point Energy Field...
How about more storyline?
New maps, guns AND enemies would be freaking awesome. Couple that with a developed background about Francis, Bill, Louis and Zoey, and we've got ourselves a champion.
Seriously, just imagine if rather than making up some B/S about how the story is in the dialogue and walls (which is kind of boring and bland IMO), just imagine if they actually took time to connect the environments together and developed a deeper story...ANYTHING deeper than how shallow it is...