The link is now dead. Just search on You Tube "Duke Nukem Forever" and put it on searches for "today"
They are being pulled for nudity which is not fully correct as the women is wearing them little sticker things over her nipples so I counter claimed the pulling. Them ****ers.
It's that damn Zchri9. He is always doing things he is not meant to, He even some how got a hold of the 3DR staff phone numbers and would ring them which in turn they almost got legal action on to him which is why he is banned from just about all of the Duke forums that are left. TX is quite...
Thought I would try something funny. :)
I have never completed any maps I have started in HL2, so don't expect much from this. I was only having a look at what it would look like in this engine. :P
( If these pic's are to large for this fourm I will remove the links and add smaller...
Still feels way to much like a mod for C&C 3 and not an entirely new game.
Where as Red Alert 2 felt like a new game to me and didn't feel like I was playing some cheap modded version of Tiberium Sun. But thats EA for you, making all C&C fail since C&C Generals. But this is my opinion only, you...
Afriad not, As there is no free download for it and the 1961 download does not contain all the data that would be needed. (textures, sounds, music ect)
lol, Time! Money! Time! Money! Time! Money!
I was going to try and recreate a part of the map in the sorce engine, but to convert over 1000 textures just for that semt to much time wasted. :o
Ok, found this thread from checking who was linking my youtube vids. :P
A couple of things I need to adress here.
The radio stations that a herd in the videos are from GTA 1 ( Head Radio was first featured in GTA 1 then GTA III and so on )
There are some songs that I have put on the car's...