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  1. M

    One Of Our Finest Remaining Urban Centers (enormous map)

    Soviet Military Map of City 17 Remember this tiny little thing? I liked it so much that I decided to increase the scope and scale by about a thousand. Last year at college, I happened to have a week in midwinter where I had no classes and not much to do. Rather than drink myself into a...
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    *bites lip* Fanfic, anyone?

    To get the confession over with, I've gone and written twenty or so pages of an ongoing, directionless, slightly episodic survival story about two refugees in City 17. I understand that Half-Life isn't like the big RPG titles, whose customization, open-ended gameplay and D&D lineage lend...
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    Military Map of City 17

    The title (thank you Babelfish) translates from Russian to "Military Map of City 17" In the 50's the Soviets were obsessed with mapping the world. You can see some of their handiwork here: The link includes some eerily detailed charts of British cities...
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    help diagnosing a compile log error

    This error is preventing my .bsp from updating. I can't find what it refers to, and I don't recognize the material (I haven't used it as a texture on anything.) Does anyone have an idea what this error means and how I can fix it?
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    3D Skybox makes displacements transparent, changes lighting

    I've been teaching myself 3d skyboxes with the tutorials online, and I got them to work just fine with a rudimentary map I made earlier. I'm not having as much luck, however, in adding them to a more developed map. I've done everything in order as per Valve Dev Community, and my works like this...
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    Old map refuses to update, runs ghostly old version

    I built a rudimentary map in the Orange Box Engine for HL2- basically a start point, some lights, props, and a skybox- ran the map, shrugged, and let it sit for a month. Today I opened it up again, decided that it sucked and deleted everything onscreen. Then I spent several hours building an...
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    Does this picture look familiar to anyone?

    No, this isn't entirely random. This (the image was too big to embed) is a view of Sofia, Bulgaria as seen from the mountain massif known as Vitosha. Who knows what I'm getting at...
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    IPMENT the DOG

    Once Dog got his nice shiny hi-res model in Episode One (by Episode Two he gets a liberal coating of dust), you can make out words on his left shoulder plate. They spell out, in cut-off yellow capitals, ...IPMENT... ...DOG...
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    The only likenesses I've ever drawn

    I like to sketch, but I've never been much good with copying faces from observation or a picture. But in these three cases, the planets must have aligned just right. My favorite. I can't do beards. If only she looked a day over sixteen...
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    Freeman's Two Escapes from City 17 (a map?!?)

    Half-Life 2 is a linear game that is built from a series of small, self-sufficient maps that are loaded one at a time, hovering in space. Every now and then a particular mountain, or most often the Citadel, provides spatial reference, but for the most part, Valve disregards geography and objects...
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    I've always wondered why the Black Mesa personnel are neither held accountable for their apocalyptic blunder, nor hint at feeling any guilt. Surely the Combine invasion hasn't brought out the best in human nature? I think the reverse is more likely. Eli is a pretty charismatic guy, but who...