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  1. F

    New enemy ideas

    What about a zombie that looks suspiciously like what used to be the heavy from TF2? Could be a nice easter egg. Or what about Vortugaunt zombies?
  2. F

    Ravenholm is scary

    Ravenholm was scary the first time I played. It was a rip roaring good time too. For those complaining about running out of ammo, you are doin it wrong! Ravenholm was intended to be a playground of physics blasting fun. If you aren't dropping cars or punting barrels into swaths of zombies...
  3. F

    Lamar=Half-Life's Kenny?

    Lamar has made a mysterious return after a disappearance once...will she make an unexplained comeback a second time after being launched into space towards the end of Episode 2? I know that Valve is working hard for a slightly more gritzy realistic feeling rather than the absurd, but I think...