I couldn't post a new thread, but here it is....
No half-life at E3 guys. http://www.examiner.com/x-47731-Boston-FPS-Examiner~y2010m6d7-Half-Life-2-Episode-3-to-be-absent-from-E3
There was several other sources that say it but this one was the first one i saw. I'm starting to think Half-life...
No? That's very vague. No like it's not going to happen, or no like you didn't notice? I think with this new picture of freeman and then the voice actress thing we have a decent chance of seeing Half-Life 2 Ep. 3. One can hope.
p.s. your bioshock/half-life/portal hybrid sig is quite impressive.
If you guys haven't noticed go on the IMBD of the voice actress for Alyx, it says her next role will be 2011 for episode 3. It says rumored next to it, but it interesting none the less.