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  1. P

    Worst case scenario for EP3

    Gordon dies.
  2. P

    Half-Life 1 Playthrough [TBA]

    If people are gonna see it, it's up at 6:35 (GMT). .
  3. P

    Half-Life 1 Playthrough [TBA]

    No one watches it?
  4. P

    Half-Life 1 Playthrough [TBA]

    Here's the date: At 7:30 PM (Eastern Time)
  5. P

    Half-Life 1 Playthrough [TBA]

    Today i'm going to play Half-Life 1 singleplayer playthrough live, but i'm going to start in a while. The date/hour will be announced later. I'm deathmatching/disconnected right now. LIVE VIDEO: Join Xfire to chat!
  6. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    21/9/09 News: After i saw the best made box is The Orange Box 2.0, i made a poster about how it could be. Hope you like it.
  7. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    I sent the Orange Box 2.0 and the Green Box to Gabe Newell. I don't know if he liked them, but he gave me a thanks.
  8. P

    Half-Life: Direct3D gone wrong

    I set Half-Life in Direct3D and this happens. What the heck? Also, when i'm near a material without background, like gifs and pngs, a strange thing happens and when i do an action in the game, the player does it in a few seconds. For example, when i press w, the player walks one second later...
  9. P

    Sad Face

    If Freeman faces the Combine Overworld, should be part of Episode Three, i'm not waiting three years for a 4-hour game (Or yes?). I can't imagine what happens next. I don't want another invasion more stronger than the Combine, that would bore. I want something new for Half-Life 3 that would...
  10. P

    Interview with Gabe Newell

    See the Left 4 Dead 2 background behind Gabe...
  11. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    I'm gonna show a missing g-man audio, sadly in spanish: when Episode One was in production, they used a different G-man line! But when the game was released had some changes and the spanish HL2 team forgot to remove the translated audio line. What a pretty mistake :D.
  12. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    Yeah, "Error: Gabe says ps3 is shit", he said that he doesn't like the Playstation 3 fault of a bunch of errors, he said there will be not L4D2 for Ps3, so i can imagine the next box neither...
  13. P

    Xfire is not enabled in Half-Life

    I'm trying to use the new Xfire Live Broadcasting service, but when i launch Hl1 (Also tried on Xfire: tools>launch>half-life(steam) ) The Xfire menu doesn't launch!
  14. P

    Interview with Gabe Newell

    Very good! You delayed +1 week for Episode three news. Congratulations.
  15. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    I think the huge images are a lot disturbing... I'll hide them
  16. P

    Fake Half-Life 2 Episode Three plus! Pretty fake next orange box covers.

    Here i can show my fan-made things with Photoshop (jk Macromedia Fireworks) and shows how i would like to see the future of Valve games :P Half-Life 2: Episode Three fake screenshots: ep3_artic03 ep3_base01 ep3_overworld05 Here the fake Next boxes: All of this...
  17. P

    Gametrailers Episode 3 and Portal 2 news

    Can't wait!! :D I can't wait until the interview is shown in Spike Tv, but god damn i'm not american any way to see this channel? I'm spanish