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  1. X

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    Surprise #1: Eli Vance is alive. Surprise #2: Vortigaunt unzips suit, Rick Astley climbs out. Surprise #3: Duke Nukem Forever.
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    Portal 2 Officially Announced

    Can somebody tell me if I get any frickin cake this time? Can I get some frickin cake when I finish the frickin game?
  3. X

    Portal 2 Officially Announced

    ... or is this what is meant by the latest BBS images that mention "cooperative" testing, that Portal 2 is in fact multiplayer despite Kim Swift's comments to the contrary? Are we going to work with a friendly android Cave Johnson in early levels, only to have him become an enemy as did GlaDOS...
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    Portal 2 Officially Announced

    What's really odd about the Gameinformer cover is, how could you encounter that situation during actual gameplay? As I've said in past posts, you fire the destination portal, then your origin portal, then you jump in the latter and come out the former. The only way to teleport from one room to...
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    Portal 2 Officially Announced

    Re. drattmannh0nee Cave's ramblings mention beekeeping in his office and winning a honey competition.
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    Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

    ... or a Rickroll... the likes of which the world has never seen.
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    Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

    The party escort submission position? So we are obviously being dragged off by the Party Escort, who is taking us to a "party". GlaDOS is still alive, hello? And as far as HL3 integration, the ASHPD is a crappy weapon. Why would you want it to fight the Combine? It's GREAT for solving...
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    Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

    Wow this achievement is pretty tough. I reckon I'll have it done by the magic day 3/11. Has anyone completed it yet? Between getting your hands on the radios, then roaming the whole level to find the magic spot for them... It seems pretty common that once you get the radio you need to take it...
  9. X

    Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

    Good eye. I'm not sure that those are Vorts though. I think that's Dog on the left, and yes I think that's a Portal gun. This is all going to end back in Xen, right? I think that's the logical conclusion, unless it all ends back in Black Mesa a second before everything went to Hell.