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  1. F

    Is there any way to edit keyvalues of entities using the console ingame?

    As you can see on the VDC's article on env_headcrabcanister...
  2. F

    Is there any way to edit keyvalues of entities using the console ingame?

    I know. It's a keyvalue, not an input.
  3. F

    What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

    Mine likes acting God and completely ****ing up the game using the console.
  4. F

    Is there any way to edit keyvalues of entities using the console ingame?

    Yeah; actually, when I spawned it, it seemed to be invisible, but I launched it and when it impacted it became visible, but it was already open and no headcrabs appeared. But if you know how to set the headcrab type using the console then that would be greatly appreciated because I could use...
  5. F

    Is there any way to edit keyvalues of entities using the console ingame?

    Yeah, I used the VDC to check on the keyvalue. It doesn't say anything about editing or setting them using the console though :/
  6. F

    Is there any way to edit keyvalues of entities using the console ingame?

    I know you can create various entities with the give command and use their inputs with ent_fire, but is there any way to set their keyvalues? For example, I used give env_headcrabcanister to spawn a headcrab canister below me, and then I used ent_setname hcc and ent_fire hcc firecanister to...
  7. F

    Spawning NPCs in the skybox

    I think what'd look REALLY weird is a combine dropship in the skybox of Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. I put a dead zombie in there once and you look out onto the sea and you just see a MASSIVE dead zombie.