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  1. G

    Police Assault 3 (bad ass bloody action scene)

    srry, i just wanted to show my hard work with the guys around here...
  2. G

    Police Assault 3 (bad ass bloody action scene)

    I love movies! I made an action movie called Police Assault 3. Do you digg it? Give me some constructive criticism please?
  3. G

    Can you spot all the lambdas? :)

    Ive found this cool little viral video on youtube. There are more then 14 Half life and portal references, including 8 lambda-signs. Can you spot them all, it's really hard to get the last one
  4. G

    A portal movie

    Hey look what i found on youtube. A Portal movie!
  5. G

    A twist in HL and portal content

    Hey, for any future HL game/movie it doesnt neccesarily have to follow the actions of Gordon. It could also perfectly be followed by normal humans. I personally would love children. What if they were in Nova Prospekt. Or if they discover the gravity gun or portal gun. Just like in this vid...
  6. G

    HL2 in 60 seconds!

    whatever dude, fck off
  7. G

    Portal in real life!

    Cant understand the brawl of mac vs pc
  8. G

    Portal in real life!

    mac users where mostly non-gaming audience, but pros using graphical software. This is changin. Because the mainstream audience is coming to mac, and Valve knew that this has a potential...
  9. G

    HL2 in 60 seconds!

    Half life in 60 seconds. i wish people would do that with HL1
  10. G

    Portal in real life!

    Look at what i found on Youtube! Its hilarious. Portal is still popular...
  11. G

    Portal 2 could be coming to PS3

    Portal 2 will come to PS3, however it will be ported by EA, not Valve. content is exactly the same
  12. G

    Maybe there'll be a new "box" with Ep.3

    The box would contain Counter strike 2 Portal 2 HL 2 Epi 3 L4D L4D2
  13. G

    A half life movie. Who should star in it?

    There can be a HL movie. ex: when the combine is flushing out the stations in the beginning of HL2, this could be filmed guerilla style. like the Jewish getto that was cleared from the nazis in Schindlers list. Or having Gordon accidentally go back in time at the end of HL2 the movie, so he...
  14. G

    Nihilanth Theories

    The nihilanth is the ruler of Xen wanting to expand its power by taking over Earth. His empire was already powerfull and even enslaved an entire race: Vortigaunts. However the Gman and his men took Xen over, while Combine took Earth. The Gman wants to free Earth, and he knows Gordon is the key...
  15. G

    A half life movie. Who should star in it?

    What are they waiting for??? We need a DIE HARD spielberg HL fan writing a script and directing it. Gabe newell is such an Ahole when he blocks production for a HL movie. The story is perfect. Dr. House is too old however, but this guy? The video...
  16. G

    Perfect Half-Life Movie Cast

    How about this guy? Ive been scrolling around Youtube to find any video resembling that headcrab fighting mute. And personally, this is the best i found: either he grows a beard, or he shaves:farmer::laugh: