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  1. C

    Father Grigori... Rasputin?

    At least Rasputin is on the side of good (sort of) this time, helping Freeman and blasting up zombies.
  2. C

    Father Grigori... Rasputin?

    Hah, I've been listening to that tune all night before you posted it here! It's surprisingly catchy. In reality, Rasputin did indeed die in 1916, but there is a lot of myth and legend behind his abilities, life and especially his death... he was incredibly and unnaturally resilient during his...
  3. C

    Father Grigori... Rasputin?

    I'm amazed I didn't pick up on the reference earlier, but I am wondering... considering all the myths and legends that surround the Russian mystic, is Father Grigori in Ravenholm actually Rasputin? Consider this... both are called Father Grigori, both are Russian Orthodox Monks (or at least...