So effectively, what he was trying to show was development can start off simple and pure. A script, but basically everything can change and causes butterfly effects through the story and one "script" is never correct.
Effectively you can take the comedy WhoDunnIt movie "Clue", where they have...
The raw talent that has left valve, breaks my heart.
it's like the core team, the heart of half life itself no longer exists at Valve HQ.
It almost makes one hope that they band together to form their own studio specifically to make a new half life title as they couldn't get that done whilst...
I'm surprised valvetime haven't linked valves OFFICIAL version of what happened, and not post just what SteamDB propossed happen.
The cacheing only happened because Valve had to call in back up support to handle a 2000% higher volume of Christams sales...
actually this is ONE deadline valve will keep i believe.
All the new microsoft OS and hardware starts shipping at the end of october (26 october rings a bell, feel free to correct that).
Valve need to make big picture mode and vanilla steam, "more valid" over whatever plans microsoft have in...
problem 1)
Steam being global has a little issue with buying cheap in one country and reselling cheaper n another.
problem 2)
Valve as we know are not in charge of the original pricing scheme either.
problem 3)
multi-pronged distribution legalise with each game publisher and with each game...
I'm still grinding my way through early chapters.
BMS actually IMPROVED some of the narrative and story telling, AND explaining the situations WAY better than HL1 ever did (I'm at the rocket test-labs and they did a nice bit of on-boarding there, reminding you of your objectives at the begining...
err, remember that petition i had on the steam forums for a combined place for discussion, community content for the half life series. at the start of the year A number of moderators were behind the idea, but it never moved forward...
Wait a second....some of those kids aren't Ten and up!! :D
Saying that though, my lad uses peti and portal2 and he's not even 4 yet.
Although he just spams the map with what he calls blue water, turrets, buttons and cubes.
As a web developer I've always been one for the democratisation of...
dot dot dot did make me laugh.....i still can't shake of stupid hope in the face of official denials -E3 just brings the retarded hopeful fanboy out of me.
I loved the original. To me, I find the whole thing as a parable on game design it self. The world is nicely self contained and needs no more additional explanation - like a Bergman film. It puts down neatly a setup of status quo - and pushes us the player out into the game - like the first act...
Can we see Gary Horsefield's flocking/swarming code used on the chickens, just for kicks, actually it would make sense maybe during a halloween match :)
When i started the thread about trying to get a Parent Forum for the half life saga for SPUF, (or is it suf now)..BurtonJ still useds SPUF in his twitters so I will!!
I gathered quickly that community content was important, and then I saw the steam-workshop in action, and wondered how that...
Gabe talked about the four platforms
Desktop - Mobile - Browser - Living room.
Then he talked about Apple making a move into the living room and now we have an Apple TV.
And the whole time, we hear Big UI for Steam specifically for the living room?
They announced Big screen mode over a...
I think another key understanding is the phrasing. The experiment into expisodic development.
I think people forget the "why". Why did valve do episodic, was it for our need of more content quicker and faster (entertainment as a service) or was it something a little different.
and the key...