Not everyone with a steam account is the betas! :bomb:
The new one is surprising! at first you kinda notice something is different but you cant put your finger on it and all of a sudden his head turns :O !
I don't know if you noticed but Portal 2 has been updated recently aside from the bugs fixed
regarding the "workshop" VALVE also replaced the "guy with valve in head" intro!
As the thread title indicates this is a small and mostly stupid feedback but it bugs me a bit.
I'm used to getting back to the home page by clicking the header of the website without any real thought as to where to click,any graphic should to the trick, as things stand now only the logo is...
"Pet Shop Box Studio" featured one of my "Valvetime logo entry" in their Weekly Inspiration Post :).
Just thought I'd share this with you guys (or who ever got lured in by the enigmatic thread title :p ).
Seen Here: Weekly Inspiration #119. (*scroll down a bit it's there)
23 hours (+2GMT) ago P-body's portal device became available for pre-order!
-As seen here- & Published by Valve's official FB page.
It retails at approx. 139.99$ and said to become available on "SUMMER 2012" .
Will you be getting it over the original ASHPD?
Very nice chambers!
not that hard though maybe just the a tiny bit obvious, you could try having less 'white walls' and more barriers to make things even more complex.
Just a quick heads-up concerning nVidia's 296.10-whql-driver.
After installing it Portal 2 just will not launch(!) I've looked through a lot of steam support
threads with no luck.
After brainstorming with myself thinking what could have changed it hit me I've just updated
my driver and sure...