It's just another over hyped cloud gaming device with Android installed. We already have OnLive for that and it's ****ing terrible. Cloud gaming just isn't viable in today's market. Not until internet service providers start removing bandwidth caps and increasing download speeds.
lol Isn't this same nonsensical rant that said about Steam a few months ago? Cry some more?
That's what they're promising. Each weapon manufacturer will have their own distinct look. This should be a good year for co-op centric players like me. Torchlight 2 is another one too look forward too. I also just got invited into the Firefall beta and that game is shaping up really nicely too.
Here's some gameplay footage of the Gunzerker and Siren.
It's looking pretty good. The various damage models on the enemies is really neat. I also like how every weapon has a unique look now. From the visual effects to its own set of animations. The combat also appears to be a bit faster...
Yes. I'd actually save the money for more worthwhile and innovative projects instead of continuing to funnel it into worthless and boring looking crap like this. Just like they should have done with Duke Nukem Forever and the sloppy PC port of Borderlands.
As expected, this looks very disappointing. From the AI and the piss poor sound design, downright to the gameplay. Also, what's with the over sized weapon models? Narrow FoV, i guess. Either way, this looks terrible and reeks of consolitis. Like most recent PC shooters. They should have given...
I think it's safe to say that this will be the last season. The last episode's revelation and the fact that they're writing out major characters pretty much confirms it. Everything is unfolding and its feels rather rushed. I'd love to see at least another season but it's very unlikely that it's...
This only furthers the belief that he did not have much creative control over the original three movies. Hence them not sucking. The asshole won't even release the original theatrical versions of the movies because he thinks they're inferior to his digitally remastered versions with all that...
What? A DRM free game from Ubisoft? Hell must've frozen over.
This looks like a fantastic game judging from the gameplay footage that i have seen. Not to mention that it received great reviews as well.
This looks really interesting. It's a steampunk-ish RTS/Shooter hybrid.
He's by far one of the best stand ups that we have at the moment. He reminds me of George Carlin and Billy Connolly. A wonderful storyteller and just naturally funny. A rarity in stand up.
This is a rather ballsy move of him to offer a whole new act just for a couple of bucks. I will be more...
The last few episodes felt very rushed and i did not like the outcome at all. This season finale has already turned a lot of people off. Including me.
Dexter gave me the same vibe after Season 4. I haven't even bothered watching the latest season.