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  1. Skull

    Entity Guide and Source Documentation Project

    Very good idea, good luck with your project!
  2. Skull

    editdemo help thread + tutorials

    Has noone replied yet?! This is a very nice and well done tutorial :thumbs: Although I only scanned through it quickly, I will surely read it thoroughly when I plan on using the feature. See this post as a "bump" :) it deserves it.
  3. Skull

    The final hours is online

    Same here :( Man, what a read! And what a great company Valve is! The past year(s) have been hell for them...I'm so glad Gabe got to smash that scanner after all he's been through. Thank you Gabe for being who you are! And thank you Valve for making great games! :)
  4. Skull

    WoW Open Beta

    where are you all downloading from? the blizzard installer doesn't work right, jumps from 0 to 10kbps although I can dl at 100... :(
  5. Skull

    I swear god hates me.......

    I couldn't agree more. Thanks for writing that :)
  6. Skull

    Half-Life 2 Scores in PC Gamer (UK)

    YAY! :D what a great day this is...The waiting has not been in vain! :)
  7. Skull

    Power Supply/Heatsink

    ok thanks, I will. /me prays and btw, I only have a CD-RW and 2 harddrives that need power. That's not much right? Oh well, time will tell...
  8. Skull

    Power Supply/Heatsink

    I have a similar question: I just recieved my "Gainward Powerpack! Ultra/2400 6800 GT GS" (yes, long name :) ). It says the minimum requirement is a 350W PSU, and that's what I have. After reading this it doesn't seem to be powerful enough...what do you think?
  9. Skull

    Help me, my dear god.

    He said he already has Ad-Aware, BUT, download the newest version from (do not use the updater in the Ad-Aware program itself) That might help you! :)
  10. Skull

    Computer Parts

    hi Was your old powersupply 350W? In my opinion that's enough, I wouldn't buy a new one (unless you have some graphics card that uses a lot of power). And another suggestion, if you are using your computer for graphic work you should buy 2x 512 instead to make you applications run faster...
  11. Skull

    Cheapest way to get good gaming rig!?

    That's a good one. btw, you don't need a full tower ;) trust me... good luck with buying your computer!
  12. Skull

    CS:S preload times posted..HL2 preload soon?

    If I remember correctly, hl2 will preload on the 17th(only textures and audio though)...correct me if I'm wrong. Thx for the exact time! :)
  13. Skull

    Better quality cs:s vid on gamespot (the e3 one)

    oh man! >:( I looked at all the topics and the word "bink" didn't really get my attention..thought it was some "I want binks of cs:s now!1" thread, oh well, delete this thread please! :o
  14. Skull

    Better quality cs:s vid on gamespot (the e3 one)

    Just noticed that gamespot has added an official version of the e3 cs:s video! The quality is a bit better, worth a download if you don't have anything better to do :P (like me) Scroll down to "Official Movies"
  15. Skull

    Playable techdemo out in Aug

    Proddan are you even here anymore? ok, I'm erasing this thread from my memory, NOW! ^^ I'm pretty sure he's just trying to be funny :E
  16. Skull

    Playable techdemo out in Aug

    w00t! Well, don't know if this is something to believe in :| Proddan:! :E /me prays
  17. Skull

    Sierra has been shut down

    umm, this is bad, mm'k! /me cries
  18. Skull

    Beautiful Women Thread

    Exactly :) This is honestly _the_ cutest/most sexy girl i've ever seen! /me dies
  19. Skull

    New G-Man look

    poor g-man ;( he looks so helpless (nice one Pvt Ryan!)