Sadly that's about how long since I've done any meaniingful mapping. ;(
And with AOL's membersite having been pulled down, most of my websites have vanished form the earth. The oldest one lasted about 12 years. The Internet is officially getting old.
I think it is actually Del Rio, Texas or around Laughlin AFB; west of San Antonio.. The last two routers in the traceroute are Del Rio, Texas routers. Prior to that it passed through San Antonio routers in Time Warner/Road Runner's network. So unless TW/RR cross the border at that point to...
Anyone who has this attepted on their account needs to send an email to [email protected]. This is a clear TOS violation and this Internet account should be shut down. But people need to complain. I suggest email with a subject "TOS Abuse - Attack from" Or similar. With more...
drag and drop probably won't worksince you are essentially giving the "dropped on" a paramter of "directory\filename.ext" when you need to give it filename. That's what a batch would normally do, simple use a filename no estenstion as a parameter.
In a batch file you would do something like...
I never thought other players were too short or too high. Only world objects seemed distorted. I just ran about a map and everyone seems about the same.
I agree, Pvt Ryan, for each of my big maps I have a several page list of things to clean up work on , improve, and half-baked ideas. Even just as simple as align textures, or create custom texture for this. Sometimes an old passing ideas suddenly looks doable and fleshes out long after I've...
It is one unit=one inch, however the game create a hitbox around the player of 32x32x72 units, so the game restricts players from entering space smaler than 33x33x73. This forces you to create ultra wide doorways and hallways and stairwells and prevents you from creating a "workable" model of...
Yes, and then compile just BSP, look for ***LEAKED*** and then reload pointfile. If you've done a lot of work since last time BSP didn't say ***LEAKED*** you probably have multiple.
Do a mixture. I've also worked off architectural diagrams. The more complex it is, the more I NEED to stop and draw out the space, features, figure out heights beforehand. I've done some drawing in CorelDraw trying to figure a tuff "how's this all gonna layout and come together". But mostly pen...
Okay, I can't exaplain this fully cause it is dipping to low into rendering for me and so far the info HL2 gave out on wireframe mode is next to nothing. But that image proves that it isn't cutting. Those triangular cuts can't be made by BSP division.
Wireframe has 4 modes-only a few...
Actually this would be catagorized as an Assault/Defense map for TFC/TF2. I never saw one built to simulate a tower assault, probably because of VIS, overloading the engine, but it fits in with that model perfectly.
NoisyMonk--they can't. I find that doing a CTRL+T for entity when IGNORE GROUPS button is on can abort the creation of entities(special form of group). Maybe they aren't really entities anymore.
ENtities can't divide the bsp except for Hint, AreaPortals and probably Occluders (i think that's...
Exavior that wouldn't be as hard as you think. Don't worry about HINTs, they are really best only when you are done with maps.
I think Areaportals are much easier to implement and more powerful.
ANd your construction should be easy. The biggest worry is paying attention to what is WORLD...
Memory can't be read is usually a message caused by antivirus products. If your program and AV aren't gtting along this would be common.
However, the Halflife game is the first program that I see generate this error often. Maybe this is a XP SP2 artifact that anytime a memory does a GPF, we...
My fast compile takes 21 seconds. My full takes 9 hours.
Now your fast take 30 MINUTES!!
Give up my friend that map will never compile. You have done something horribly horribly wrong.
Every . in the compile long takes longer then the one before it, 4 takes longer than 3, 9 longer than...
The area that the three portals seals must actually seal them Not just at the portal themselves, but wrold brushes must close up the rest. If you have any bd geometry or misaligned brushes you could have tiny cracks. Basically your portals aren't sealing a world-brush enclosed area.
You can...