007: Everything or Nothing

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
This is the title of the new bond game out. IGN actually gave it an 8.5 and Gamespot gave it an 8.8 (With readers giving reviews at 8.8-8.9).

I've been seriously considering buying this for a little while now. I'd like to know if any of you have bought it or even played it. I hear there's coop for the singleplayer which sounds really fun..but apparently they didn't do it all that well. They also say that head to head multiplayer isn't that great.

If you have played it can you tell me how it was and what system you played it on?
supposedly a very cool cinematic bond experience.. only negatives really are the aiming system apparently... looks like bond franchise is seeing some light (new goldeneye comeing as well) :thumbs: I however will be busy with pc titles..... :cheese: the driveing uses the NSU engine (sweeeet! only part I played at the EB near me and it kicked ass) and the gameplay is stealthy and employs many fun gadgets splinter cell style (with some fun run gun moments) with lots of bond babes and fun things to enviorments to mess with

il be playing ut2k4 and facry however and modding for them (self teaching) :thumbs: to busy for a fun bond game ;( oh well
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
(new goldeneye comeing as well) :thumbs:
/me screams like a little girl

bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
il be playing ut2k4 and facry however and modding for them (self teaching) :thumbs: to busy for a fun bond game ;( oh well
Can't wait to make my CTF map for UT2k4!!!!!!!!! :)
I didn't like Goldeneye, lol. Okay it was a great game, but the controls were screwed. No, I want to use one stick for moving and one stick for looking, not some twisted hybrid of the two!

Everything or Nothing? I suppose it reflects how desperate EA is to make a decent Bond game.
Sulkdodds said:
I didn't like Goldeneye, lol. Okay it was a great game, but the controls were screwed. No, I want to use one stick for moving and one stick for looking, not some twisted hybrid of the two!

Everything or Nothing? I suppose it reflects how desperate EA is to make a decent Bond game.

I always used the setting that the C-buttons did the forward-backward, strafe left-right deal and the analog stick aimed. I thought that was much better...and I kicked much more ass because of it.