1.4 Beta


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Community Update - 7/05/06


We are beginning the first phase of our 1.4 patch beta testing! This initial phase of testing will only include a small number of servers whose focus is to ensure stability in a live environment. At the completion of this phase we will be rapidly expanding the number of servers hosted to allow everyone an opportunity to review this latest patch.

I would like to stress that everyone who downloads the beta files should take the time to read the included text file so that you can properly safeguard your current BF2 install.

Also please note that EA Customer Service can not provide any support for issues related to the Beta Patch. I encourage everyone to log into the EA-Battlefield forums and participate on the 1.4 Patch Beta discussions that will cover both 1.4 issues, tuning changes, and new features.

Issue Reporting

Beta Full (522MB)
Beta Incrimental (138MB)

A few of the servers hosted will be set to the new ‘No Vehicles’ server setting that will allow players to focus on infantry vs infantry combat on all BF2 and Special Forces Maps. Other servers will include the new "Road to Jalalabad" map, sponsored by Comcast, which will allow US and MEC forces to engage in a new urban warfare environment!

Everyone here at EA and DICE look forward to working with the community to ensure this next patch is a solid step forward for the Battlefield Franchise.

-The Battlefield Team


Dunno what the word is server wise yet...:borg:
They better fix the unreasonable amount of lag that I've been getting due to 1.3.
If you do get this guys i recommend you make a copy of your BF2 folder, rename them and the .exe's so that you can run either the 1.4beta or 1.3 fine without reinstallin all the time :p
Well I hope since it's beta and only a few servers will run it, that it will be backwards compatible.
Are we actually gonna get a free (altho sponsored) map from DICE?
Yes, Shaker, we are :)
Any pics of the new map?
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=33321 <<For pics. I have been hearing that even though this is a test patch, omfg, its b0rked to the max! So far if you hold the medic paddles out you cannot die. The only way you can die is by a hand nade lol! For more info go to the bf2s website here: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewforum.php?id=32 *Well I ran into no bugs at all. In fact I see nothing has changed except for the new map. Everybody is getting killed all the time on that map. But the people that are playing in the beta are real jerks. All they do is dolphin dive, etc.
I only played with bots coz there are no local servers with 1.4 running yet. But I did notice that it took me a lot more shots to kill them than before, I brushed it off as me being a bad shot but those guys are saying how they decreased damage and increased health.
I played without a problem. Still could switch prone/crouch quickly though.

Road to Jalalabad is a sweet urban map.
Jalalabad looks pretty good. I love that chopper in the side of the building.
xombine said:
Jalalabad looks pretty good. I love that chopper in the side of the building.

Undoubtedly someone on hl2.net was flying it

I must say, I AM looking forward to that new map. It looks like a blast.
JNightshade said:
I must say, I AM looking forward to that new map. It looks like a blast.
Yeah when I first saw it I thought of a Karkand/Mashtuur mix. Maybe a little Sharqi too.
JNightshade said:
I must say, I AM looking forward to that new map. It looks like a blast.

me too, and to celebrate its grand opening (when released) we should all play together
How about you all download the beta then and we'll play it together?

The map is a blast :).
The new map seems pretty good, but there are quite a number of bugs, good job this was just a beta.
Heard about bugs with Shock Paddles and only dying from an Eryx/SRAW :O
Evo said:
Heard about bugs with Shock Paddles and only dying from an Eryx/SRAW :O

That happens in infantry mode.

The whole infantry mode is screwed with additional stamina and reduced damage.

"Damage decrease – Prolonged gunfights that allow players to make decisions under fire. "

Are we retarded? Go play chess if you can't make quick decisions, it's war dammit!

I wanted to check it out but the two servers appearing in my list with "Infantry" in their titles weren't in infantry mode at all - people were driving around in vehicles.
Unfocused said:
That happens in infantry mode.

The whole infantry mode is screwed with additional stamina and reduced damage.

"Damage decrease – Prolonged gunfights that allow players to make decisions under fire. "

Are we retarded? Go play chess if you can't make quick decisions, it's war dammit!

I wanted to check it out but the two servers appearing in my list with "Infantry" in their titles weren't in infantry mode at all - people were driving around in vehicles.


Another one of DiCE's stupid decisions, seriously who the hell comes up with this stuff?! Make decisions under fire, my ass! It's more like, "**** I'm getting shot at but hey I have extra health! Let me get lucky and pull an instant GG headshot when I should've been pwnt!"
Gameplay Summary
This is the first gameplay feedback summary reported back into the development team after the release of the 1.4 beta patch.

This summary is broken down into the various categories of feedback. In each case the most commonly requested change is listed first.

Infantry only mode
No change to health in infantry only mode - health for infantry should be exactly the same as it is in “regular” mode. This request has 100% support. All that was required for infantry mode was that the vehicles were removed, nothing else. Typical comment : “OMG, you messed again with gameplay... why the hell did you increase the health?!?”

Consider keeping jeep-class vehicles in for this mode.

Road to Jalalabad
Generally positive about the map layout, although it needs fine tuning.

The wind sound is annoying. As is the background music.

(Bug?) Commander vehicle drop delivers two vehicles.

Balance the J-10, it is overpowered.

Check map balance generally – the feeling is that many maps give an advantage to one side over the other.

Improve the Blackhawk guns.

Improve ground-based AA.

Rework the crouch/prone/bunnyhopping to be more effective.

Allow crouch/prone to be carried out more quickly.

Further summaries will be submitted during the beta period.
http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.ph … p;start=30
Thats the first summary of the feedback EA/Dice has recieved. Hopefully they will act on at least some of this feedback.
FINALLY! They're going to balance out the J-10! I found it almost useless to try and fly the F15 on Chinese maps.
The JSF's ONLY defense against J-10 was to use the speed advantage. However, it's hard to pull off and slight miscalculations will have you spiraling way pass the stall range. Hopefully when they rebalance the JSF they will give it unique advantages instead of cloning the J-10 (or nerfing J-10). I hate it when DiCE nerfs things, they should buff things to make it equaled out. Case in point, the Blackhawk guns, they owned and it'd be great if they just buffed the MEC chopper guns to even things out.

Improve ground-based AA.

Here's the problem with that, the stationary AA is fine against choppers right now but ineffective against jets (mobile AA is ownage vs all though). If you buff AA vs air you make it even rougher for helipilots. I think the AA vs heli is perfect right now and buffing it will make it uneven. It's a difficult balance to strive for though, I can only hope DiCE doesn't break it...
CrazyJeepDriver said:
Thats the first summary of the feedback EA/Dice has recieved. Hopefully they will act on at least some of this feedback.

Received from who?

I agree with everything in there except these two (or one, if I'm misinterpreting the first)

"Rework the crouch/prone/bunnyhopping to be more effective."

More effective? Do they want more dolphin-diving and bunnyhopping? Someone please make it clear for me.

"Allow crouch/prone to be carried out more quickly."

I haven't noticed a difference in the patch, could quickly switch between crouch/prone, but hey! Who wants those damn exploiters humping the ground all over the place?! Watch http://media.putfile.com/Top-Notch-Infantry-Combat and then decide if you want to see this >.<.
Actually, the crouch/prone has been bothering me for a while. It's really glitchy, and there's a noticable time lag.