1.6 won't load with Xfire


May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Guys, recently i have been getting this problem, i always play my games with Xfire, to build up the hours of play on my profile and to chat with mates while playing, however recently, when i have had Xfire enabled 1.6 will load up but then just quit without an error message or anything ... can anyone point me into the right direction as to why this is happening and how it can be fixed, there are some times though where it will be fine but most of the time it wont.
You should buy HL2 and start playing CS:Source. Really.
Now now, stupid posts like that Murray will cause rioting in all shapes and forms. Really.

CS 1.6 IS NOT a bad game, it's just graphically outdated. In my opinion, if they brought 1.6's gameplay ( minus all the BS, meaning walling mostly ), then CS:Source would be the ultimate competetive game... however most people play CS:Source in public servers, in a less competetive manor ( to be honest, I have yet to meet a public server filled with half-decent players. )
Ya fool, i have hl2 and source, but, i am dedicated to a clan in 1.6 and i prefer that in many ways ... and why is your name Sgt. Murray aswell ....
Sgt.Murray said:
Ya fool, i have hl2 and source, but, i am dedicated to a clan in 1.6 and i prefer that in many ways ... and why is your name Sgt. Murray aswell ....
Because I'm toying with you, it's my avatar. ;)
Yeah, it really does..

If the hitbox crap would be fixed, Source would be much, much better...1.6 just has that old-school, nostalgic feeling to it, and plus, its the only CS game that probably runs on old, old computers (I'm playing 1.6 until I get my new computer that doesn't have sound problems, and has better performance)
Murray said:
Because I'm toying with you, it's my avatar. ;)

Use a PNG. It'll keep every single pixel of the text.

Right now, it's fairly easy to see that it's an image (blurry all around).

Although, I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said something about it :P I just noticed that SOMETHING was wrong.
Well i noticed after i posted that it wasn't part of his name because only Murray would highlight, and also there is a space between the . and Murray so na na na na na :P
Sgt.Murray said:
Well i noticed after i posted that it wasn't part of his name because only Murray would highlight, and also there is a space between the . and Murray so na na na na na :P

Cheater, you deleted the space between the . and the M.

And it SHOULD have a space between the . and the M.
How can i edit my username ???? And no there shouldn't be a space :P