1: ambient music? 2: foliage

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I want to have an ambient sound that plays one of the music tracks from the game... but I can't listen to the music in the sound browser.

1: Is it possible to play a music track in HL2DM, out of a radio in the level? Please say there's a way.

2: How do you make foliage come out of a terrain? Like in those levels where there's grass that appears when you get close...

Cant find a tutorial on that.
1. aye there is, but ah dinnae know how tae dae it
2. a coupla textures/mat have shrubs/grass/mushrooms already in them
but yi ken yaase sprites tae.
lol, I didn't know Scots had a strong accent while typing as well... I thought it was just when speaking. :p

Anyone know how tae dae it? Please tell how; I need to know ASAP (the DM deadline approaches).

Ambient Music (using the HL2 music tracks) and foliage that always faces the camera and disappears when you're far, as seen in some of the HL2 missions.

I need to know... Thanks.
Dario D. said:
lol, I didn't know Scots had a strong accent while typing as well... I thought it was just when speaking. :p

Anyone know how tae dae it? Please tell how; I need to know ASAP (the DM deadline approaches).

aye well, im an eediot :D (deadline) come on...ive already won

give it up :p
Use GCFScape to browse and extract it, maybe? Just guessing :p