1 in 100 americans behind bars


May 5, 2004
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For the first time in the nation?s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report.

Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

The report, from the Pew Center on the States, also found that only one in 355 white women between the ages of 35 and 39 is behind bars, but that one in 100 black women is.

Either way, said Susan Urahn, the center?s managing director, ?we aren?t really getting the return in public safety from this level of incarceration.?

?We tend to be a country in which incarceration is an easy response to crime,? Ms. Urahn continued. ?Being tough on crime is an easy position to take, particularly if you have the money. And we did have the money in the ?80s and ?90s.?

Now, with fewer resources available to the states, the report said, ?prison costs are blowing a hole in state budgets.?


to be fair your draconian laws on drugs is probably responsible for a big chunk of that number ..whih in other countries wouldnt have been a prison sentence
I really hope our justice system receives an overhaul at some point in the near future. Most drug laws are ridiculous, and the fact that two 16 year olds can have consensual sex, yet the male is often forced to register as a sex offender... how about we use some actual logic once and a while? I fully support the abolishment of the current supreme court justices in favor of younger and more modernly educated individuals.
but the bush admin spent so much time replacing them with hand picked people who mirror their agendas
but the bush admin spent so much time replacing them with hand picked people who mirror their agendas

Oh yeah, we can't oppose the Bush regime! Time to get shipped off to Guantanamo.
im sure the majority of inmates are there for non-violent drug "crimes". God forbid we send them to rehabilitation centers
It's not racial prejudice, they just commit more crimes :burp:

Those figures are rediculous though, 1 in 100 americans behind bars?!


Depicts 2.3 million folded prison uniforms, equal to the number of Americans incarcerated in 2005.


Partial zoom:


Detail at actual size:


Installed at the Von Lintel Gallery, NY, June 2007


EDIT: Stupid disabled image tags!! *waves fist*
The real question is: why are they behind the bar instead of inside the bar?
Or, why are they behind bars instead of members of the bar?
Please note than 1 out of 100 American adults are behind bars.

This is probably ages 18-59
I've seen a figure of 90% of blacks in washington DC have spent at least a day in jail. How ****ing nuts is that? Shows how unfair our justice system really is.
Unfair? It's not racial profiling if BLACKS KEEP COMMITTING CRIMES.
This is very worrying, I suggest we sit down and think of why whites and azians are lagging behind and find ways to get them up there on par with the blacks.
Unfair? It's not racial profiling if BLACKS KEEP COMMITTING CRIMES.

Putting people in prison makes them more likely to commit crimes when they get out than they were in the first place.
So, what? We're to just excuse them for committing the first crime?
I like how you refer to the war on drugs as "ours". It's our governments...I think it's a fruitless waste of money and resources.
I like how you refer to the war on drugs as "ours". It's our governments...I think it's a fruitless waste of money and resources.

Yeah because that's a Stern-only trait, referring to the programmes initiated by an elected government as being caused by the electorate.
So, what? We're to just excuse them for committing the first crime?

No. Fine them out the ass, send them to drug rehab, put a felony on their record, confiscate their shit. For things like minor drug offenses there's no need for jail with murders and rapists and such.
I like how you refer to the war on drugs as "ours". It's our governments.

i dont see why this is so hard to understand a. I am not american b. when I say "you" or "your" in a political discussion I'm refering to the government as a whole not the individual

if I'm discussing the war in iraq with an american and say "you made the decision to invade" "you" refers to their country not the individual ..reading between the lines isnt all the difficult because last time I checked every day americans like you or anyone else on this board DO NOT DETERMINE POLICY

..methinks you really have nothing to say about this issue so you'll just take an easy eway out: shoot the messenger for the contents of the message
When I saw the title, I actually though it meant that 1 in 100 americans is a bar tender. That would be awesome.

It seems to me the US keeps going downhill. It's just a matter of time.
Wow!! One percent?!111oneone One whole percent of Americans? Something must be done!!:burp::O
No. Fine them out the ass, send them to drug rehab, put a felony on their record, confiscate their shit. For things like minor drug offenses there's no need for jail with murders and rapists and such.

Convinced me.
Wow!! One percent?!111oneone One whole percent of Americans? Something must be done!!:burp::O

2.3 million isnt exactly a small number ..but then again you'd be out of a job so natch' you'd support moar people being in jail, AMIRITE Mr-I-like-incarcirating-people-for-fun-Occifer?? just pull up your jackboots put on your mirrored aviator shades, unwrap another stick of juicy fruit and go find some kids smoking a joint and send them down the river without a ****ing paddle!!!

paid endoresement brought to you by General Electric, Powering prisons across america since 1921, we put the sparkle in electric chairs

Reading the thread when I wasn't either intoxicated or tired made the topic of the thread more clear. There was an interesting article on BBCx about prisons. Probably called something cheesy like "Behind Bars".
2.3 million isnt exactly a small number ..but then again you'd be out of a job so natch' you'd support moar people being in jail, AMIRITE Mr-I-like-incarcirating-people-for-fun-Occifer?? just pull up your jackboots put on your mirrored aviator shades, unwrap another stick of juicy fruit and go find some kids smoking a joint and send them down the river without a ****ing paddle!!!

paid endoresement brought to you by General Electric, Powering prisons across america since 1921, we put the sparkle in electric chairs


Perspective is everything, Mr. Smot-poking, "eh"-saying, Mao-loving, Canuck.


I gotta start doing a better job. 99% of Amerians are still roaming free.
Perspective is everything, Mr. Smot-poking, "eh"-saying, Mao-loving, Canuck.


I gotta start doing a better job. 99% of Amerians are still roaming free.

adult americans ..dont be busting pre-schoolers, I know you want to but give the wee ones a break ..oh and just remember; if the perp cant trace his roots back to the Mayflower he's almost certainly guilty and should be tasered with extreme prejudice
adult americans ..dont be busting pre-schoolers, I know you want to but give the wee ones a break ..oh and just remember; if the perp cant trace his roots back to the Mayflower he's almost certainly guilty and should be tasered with extreme prejudice

I'm only one man! I'll crack under the pressure!
deputise some truckdrivers/hunters/the recently parolled
well they need to be a. street smart, good with firearms, and able to wear a uniform ..the recently parolled are perfect for this ....besides, there's a fine line between criminal and police officer anyways

Unfair? It's not racial profiling if BLACKS KEEP COMMITTING CRIMES.

Whites commit a similar amount of crimes. The difference is that there is prejudice in the system against blacks and other minorities. Blacks will get pulled over a lot more by the police than whites. Once they are pulled over white people are far less likely to get searched than black people. Poor blacks don't have the same access to lawyers as middle class whites. And once the legal system comes in to play blacks end up facing much stiffer penalties than whites for the same crimes. A 17 year old black kid spending 2 years in prison for getting head from a white girl comes to mind.

These things happen all the time, its nice of you not to notice and just blame black people for the problem. But now that I pointed this out I doubt you care. :rolleyes:
stop, or I'll shoot!

seriously, though, how's the weather up there? How you liking the most snow cover since 1966? Has Al Gore been up there to see it for himself?:cheese::cheese:
stop, or I'll shoot!

seriously, though, how's the weather up there? How you liking the most snow cover since 1966? Has Al Gore been up there to see it for himself?:cheese::cheese:

Global warming causes extreme winters. Just because it has warming in the name doesn't mean it will always make things warmer, in fact it will do the opposite. Just wanted to point that out. ;)
dont you mean: "bangbangbang ....Stop or I'll Shoot ...again"

btw you know that global warming doesnt actually mean doing away with winter all together do you? ...and besides the driving it's been nice to have so much snow for a change ..usually it's a shade of grey this time of the year as the old snow gets dirtier and dirtier
Global warming causes extreme winters. Just because it has warming in the name doesn't mean it will always make things warmer, in fact it will do the opposite. Just wanted to point that out. ;)

Oh boy. Still waiting for the big indictments for Rove and Cheney to be handed down?:bounce::bounce::bounce:
dont you mean: "bangbangbang ....Stop or I'll Shoot ...again"

btw you know that global warming doesnt actually mean doing away with winter all together do you? ...and besides the driving it's been nice to have so much snow for a change ..usually it's a shade of grey this time of the year as the old snow gets dirtier and dirtier

I'm ready for some global warming. we've had more snow and cold here, for a longer period of time, than we have in a long time. I'm sick of it.