10 Minute Mini Contest


Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
Speed art Contest!

Topic: Starwars

Time is now 10:25 AM Central Standard Time
Entries due at 10:30 AM ish.

Maybe a few more minutes so some more people can get in it ;).
Entry 1 by Abom


Entry 2

slinter said:
my pic: |o| - - -- - - X--
This is a serious contest, so please don't copy my ideas. Thanks.
isnt 5 min a bit to short.. it mostly takes 5 minutes to even see this post..
It was started in irc, but then other people wanted to join. But if you want to still join, just make something that takes you 10 minutes or so then show it :).

Next topic: Stuff you wouldn't want to see in a dark alley.

It doesn't have to be done in 10 minutes after this post, just be honest and don't spend more than 10 minutes on it ;).
Ummm, striders? O well.

Why won't it upload!?
gives me

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/hl2net/public_html/forums/images/attach/ce0be393ddcc9f9571e29091b874aa58): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/hl2net/public_html/forums/includes/functions_file.php on line 214

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpGMutPx' to '/home/hl2net/public_html/forums/images/attach/ce0be393ddcc9f9571e29091b874aa58' in /home/hl2net/public_html/forums/includes/functions_file.php on line 214

Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for /home/hl2net/public_html/forums/images/attach/ce0be393ddcc9f9571e29091b874aa58 (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/hl2net/public_html/forums/includes/functions_file.php on line 226"
Mechagodzilla... Your's is AWESOME!!

I love how the light is like on the creatures and it's LIEK OMG L33T PIXEL SHADERZ!!11

Nice work! For something so quick!
This is my territory, I have powers here beyond your wildest imagination :devil:.

Nice entry though! Needs some work on the shading imho ;).