10 Things You Did When HL2 Was Announced Delayed.

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May 17, 2003
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10 Things YOu did when you found our HL2 Was Delayed:

10. Screamed and flicked on CS1.6 and soon forgot about HL2
9. Was Shocked to the bone quiverd and thought "Duke Nukem 4 Ever be out sooner........"
8. Kicked the shit out of your PC, denting the case and throwing the keybored on floor taking a deep breath and thinking "ohhh that felt good".
7. E-mailed Gabe Newell as fast as you good flaming him and valve to hell and stating HL2 is gonna SUXORZ NOW!
6. E-mailed Gabe and begged why they delayed it with only 6 days before 30th.....
5. Reinstalled HL1 to complete and smacking your mice and keybored so hard when playing the keys roughly fall off and break.
4. Went on every HL1/2 forum and said "HA HA MOFO's!! DOOM 3 OWNZ!!"
3. Ran down stairs and confinded your self to your dad whom said "WTF is HL2!!"
2. Felt your heart slowly stop.... and then beat again as if there was a Matrix Pause......
1. Cried in disbelief and ponder how.... after all this time and so close to release date 30th.. they delay it... do they enjoy kicking Valve Fan boys in the balls?

I basicly had NUmber 1 happen to me.. Honestly I pure cried and Coudlent stop!
I did not wanna cry but it hit me like a brick as months after months I worried about running HL2 when it arrives at my door for 30th... and I built my hopes up sooo high.
Kind Harsh from valve to be honest, if they mentioned this weeks before I would of thought "Fair Enough".
But 6 days before 30th... is very very harsh on us.......

Ahh well Life Goes on and so does waiting again.

Yeah, I pretty much just said "eh" and went to play some CS.
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