101 Observations from The Return of the King[CRAZY SPOILERS]

I'd have more fun if they'd release the ****ing screener already!

:$ *did I say that out loud?*
When Aragorn's horse Brego bolts at the entrance to the haunted mountain, it takes his sheath, but Aragorn has it when he goes in.
Pat Brophy
This is wrong, at this point he had 2 swords. His old sword was kept on his horse, the reforged sword that elrond just brought him was on him, thus the sheath on him.
The thing that disappointed me in that movie was that they missed the whole point of the rangers existing to try to protect the shires inncocence. I found that to be rather important in the book.
A friend of mine told this one: In Minas Tirith Gandalf tells one of the hobbits (forgot which one) who's frightened about death that it's like going to the beach and all is going to be well like going on holiday and so on. The problem is in the book hobbits actually don't go there..
nice move gandalf ;)
possible spoiler!!!

When Aaragorn rides into the road leading to the city of the undead army, he and his companions clearly have multiple shadows from the set lighting.