11 min Battlefield 2 shakycam demo

Jesus christ that looks fantastic!! :O

I bet you need a beast of a computer to run it ;(
Looks very nice! so did that rocket thing happen by accident, or was it scripted?
Any other place to download then fileplanet?
Thanks. No wait here either :)

I love how you can pause and run around with the camera Madden-style. I also like the area of effect shockwave that the tanks make when they shoot a shell. The dirt kicks up and stuff :)

Heh.. that rocket thing had to be scripted in (I think). It'd be kind of hard to get something like that to happen otherwise. It's cool that it can happen though.

Good stuff. Definitely gonna buy it.
Another reason to upgrade at Christmas and get a better job to pay for it.
fantastic gameplay combined with amazingly detailed graphics...
dosnt get much better than that
Simply amazing. Everything combined will make this game up top, if not more sales, than Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 and Battlefield 2 will be battling for that top spot, at least from my point of view I'll be arguing which to play. I am already getting a bit tired of Counter-Strike: Source, so all there is to wait for is Half-Life 2 for singleplayer, and then Battlefield 2 for the multplayer part, and I'm set for quite some time.
Oxygenetic said:
Simply amazing. Everything combined will make this game up top, if not more sales, than Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 and Battlefield 2 will be battling for that top spot, at least from my point of view I'll be arguing which to play. I am already getting a bit tired of Counter-Strike: Source, so all there is to wait for is Half-Life 2 for singleplayer, and then Battlefield 2 for the multplayer part, and I'm set for quite some time.

Two different games. Two VERY different release dates. No comparison.

...Okay, why did that just sound like a voice over from a bad movie trailer?
*drool* Thats sexy... (Btw im talking about BF2, not BadHat)
My plan...

Single player: H A L F L I F E 2

Online MP: B A T T L E F I E L D 2
I remember the single player for the first Battlefield game, it was funny.. the bots where so dumb, they would follow each other in a close line to the enermy, men and cars. I remember standing infront of a tank and it just mowing me down...
Im just about to watch this, sounds really sweet, maybe my game t omd... maybe ditch HL2, I am not a man that purchases SP games.. :( I thought HL2 would come wit hDM :( :( :( so this means I am going to probably get htis and the new doom 3 expansion, god damn too many good games coming soon!!!

Wait for some ****ing mods, noob
The missle is not scripted, you can do this in regular BF if you are a decent pilot.

The game does look amazing; however, you can see bugs in that video (lots of shadow errors). On a demo video if you have bugs like that you can't really expect much out of the game. I know that this is still in development but based on previous BF games I wouldn't be suprised if these bugs weren't finished. I was a huge fan of BF42, Desert Combat is still probably one of the best games out. However, BF: Vietnam completely ruined it for me. The game was extremely hyped and I was hoping the problems from 42 would be fixed, they weren't.

I am hoping that this game will be much better but I'm not going to get excited about it until it's released some time in spring.
Bah, looked like crap to me.

But only because they had to keep on pausing that damn thing. That's like saying, here's a cookie and but then taking it back. :(
I think it looks great. Yeah, there are some bugs, but its still (as someone said) in the development cycle. I have no doubt that Dice have taken the outcry of the BF Vietnam community and applied it to BF2. Time will tell I guess. For me, spring can't come soon enough.
A) This is a recorded gameplay demo using the ingame recording capabilities. Of course theres gonna be some bugs, its not done yet.
B) The original Battlefield team has made one BF game: Battlefield 1942. And most people agree that it was a hell of a game. :D So saying BF:V ruined the entire series for you is like saying that Blue Shift destroyed Half Life. It's just silly.
Doug Lombardi already stated that a HL2 mutiplayer is in the works.:)
brink's said:
Doug Lombardi already stated that a HL2 mutiplayer is in the works.:)

I don't think so. He stated that there was no HL2 multiplayer planned.

Though they are working on TF2.
brink's said:
Doug Lombardi already stated that a HL2 mutiplayer is in the works.:)

Where did he say that? Ive missed that !!
<on topic> And the BF demo looked pro :) cant wait to play it </on topic>
brink's said:
Doug Lombardi already stated that a HL2 mutiplayer is in the works.:)

No, he recently stated that not only is there no HL2 MP in the works, but there is also none planned.