120,000 Bees

That should teach'em...

wait..OMFG -
The quarter-ton honeycomb, which may have accumulated inside the apartment wall for years, was so big it was threatening the structural integrity of the two-story building, Horner said.

quarter-ton honeycomb!?!?!?!

Just imagine the Queen...
hehehe dont fc*k with mother nature

man some kids should have "dumbass" tattooed to their foreheads
Dumass 1:Dude, im bored.
Dumass 2:hmmmmmm lets go throw rocks at this massive quarterton hive of bees.
Dumass 1:Yeah that sounds awesome. I heard there 120,000 bees in there.
Dumass 2:Awesome! Dude!
Dumass 1:Dude!
Dumass 2:Dude!
Wow. Imagine how much honey you get from that. Enough to fill a swimming pool with Sugar Puffs I bet.
BEEEESSS BEEEESSS EVERYWHERE. I FEEL GREAT - brought to you by new nutrigrain honey flavor
Wow, that's pretty awesome! 227kg nest? wow...
The bees won't stand for this, it's like a complete extermination of the Bee capital.

It's war.
"News just in...

President Bush has been trapped inside Airforce 1 this evening as 300,000,000 bees swa-aieee!"


It's started! Run for your lives!