1337 photo-chop

Jul 6, 2003
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Hey i just thought i'd share an image manip i did today . it's for a friend's presentation on the industrial revolution.


and the original

i dont think it turned out half bad... although i just realised i moved the text in front...meh.
Not bad. The 9's color is a little to dark I think though.
yeah it's shadows are darker than the shadowing on the 20. thanks for pointing that out mate.
Too much blur/soft. Too much space between the 1 and 9.
Try manipulating the existing numbers instead of making new ones. If you must blur, copy the area you wish to blur to another image, blur it, then paste it back in. Might be better to "age" the area a couple decades.
Right side of the 1 is too bright. Notice how every other perpendicular side is very dark. Only the sides tilted toward the ground are lighter.
yeah that kind of makes it pop out . also i thin the higlights need to be a little more rounded. thanks for the comments i'll definitely keep them in mind for the next photochop ;). i wish we had serious image manipulation challenges.
I think that second pic was just to show it without blur. If he could use the blur just around the edges it would be great. Maybe fatten up the 9 and move the 1 over a tad.
yeah that kind of makes it pop out . also i thin the higlights need to be a little more rounded. thanks for the comments i'll definitely keep them in mind for the next photochop ;). i wish we had serious image manipulation challenges.

How do you even do something like that. Cool, but the numbers look suspiciously too far apart, making the nine look small.

The main problem is that a 1 isn't as wide as a 2, but you can't change that.

The 1 is also too far to the left. If you could change that then the rest might look fine. You don't have to move it far though. See if that helps. Or change the font. Lol. werk.