17 Half-Life 2 Video Tutorials[MNeMiC****]



17 Half-Life 2 Video Tutorials[MNeMiC]

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This tutorial is made to give you the basic understanding on how to navigate and customize your viewports inside of Valve Hammer Editor to make your own levels.

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In this video you will hopefully learn the very basics of what the tools to your left are used for. Some of them will be explained in other video tutorials a bit later on.

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What you need to do first when starting to make levels is learn how to use brushes efficiently and manipulate them as you want. This is the build-stones of your maps.

Click here to download!


To make your levels even a bit attractive you WILL need some texturing skills. This video will hopefully introduce you to using the texture dialog box tools and settings.

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The reflective water is one of the best looking effects in Half-Life2, considering how easy it is to do it sholud be used whenever it fits as a decoration for your levels.

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Hammer World Editor comes with an excellent terrain painter tool. With it you can easily adjust and create realistic looking terrain, such as hills and mountains.

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Static Mesh

Nowdays making a level entirely out of brushes is impossible (if you want it to be good-looking). You are going to import models from third party 3D applications.

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Rotating Door

Theese doors will not be affected by the physics in the game. You can set the number of degrees that the door will rotate aswell as some other nifty settings.

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Sliding Door

Theese kinds of doors are the ones you see at supermarkets and stuff, they will slide into the wall, or up into the ceiling if you want them to. Very easy to setup.

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Sliding Door With Glass

Basicly it's just a sliding door but it has a piece of breakable glass kind of attached to it. They are bound together so they will move like they are one piece.

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You will learn how to make three kinds of glass here. Unbreakable, breakable like in Half-Life, and shattering, like in Half-Life 2. This can be used for anything breakable.

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Ladders have become a bit tougher and more complex now with Half-Life 2, you will have to create mounting points aswell something like a ladder-path.

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You see ropes lying around everywhere inside of the game. Valve made a couple of special entities to make them without any hassle, you can make awsome rope fast

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Rounded Corners

Corners in real-life aint even a perfect 90o angle, if you look at any corner you will see that it's a bit rounded. This is one of the ways to do it for Half-Life 2.

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Physic Brush

Turning brushes and other objects into objects that are bound to the physics of Half-Life 2 is a really simple task, this video will show you how to do that.

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Physic Brush With A Hinge

A more complex setup with objects that have physics, is having them constrained to an angle, perhaps a swingdoor, or a board hanging in a rope for example.

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This video is just a temporary solution on how to create a simple lift, there will be a correct one later, this one is using a brush like a door to actually move the lift.

Click here to download!

Since this forum apparently dont like 17 pictures and my URL, this post will probably get ****ed up,,,,, but whatever

www.mnemic. tk
The links dont work because half of the domains name is censored. Man i hate that.
put **** in place of the **** when you click on the link to get them to work

EDIT:: gawd damit, they first **** is ment to say "DOT" TK
Hmmm... buy a domain or move hosting. I can't get **** all to work, even when I change the links. Have you added audio to these onces? or are they still just video?
It's not too much of a hassle. The only thing that's pissing me off is how half the videos require some random codec :p Someone tell me which one I need!
i put **** after the stars but i still get page cannot be displayed. speak to me via pm and ill sort u out some free hosting to host ur tutorials onto.