18 today w00t!

Good job Piglet :P

Legal for me in about 2 months...

Now hurry up and post in the RPG!

Happeh 18th, piggeh.

Hey pig.... hey pig piggy pig pig pig
Happy 18th man. :)

Many happy returns.

Have enough alcohol sex all you want.Congrads.You have now hit reality. (:

Happy Birthday. Oh Shit, there's only 18 rings on that thing!
Happy birthday, my 18th was yesterday as well lol.

Enjoy your new freedoms.
you ****ingliar i know u. u r only 14 u big lieing shit.
I'm not sure what you just said, but it sounded abusive, so you can have an infraction.
Hooray, Modocracy!

I am still totally 16, but in this country, that means I'm legal!

...I think.

(Sulkdodds play HL2DotNetZomCon!)
I know, I know, I'm writing my character bio and it got way out of hand. I'm trying to find time to get in on it. D:
Well, I'm satisfied. Now we return to PARTYING DOWN!

/me boogies to celebrate people's revolution of the earth around the sun being large.
Awesome. Happy birthday.

One month and 23 days until I'm 18. It's funny... it'll be illegal for me to buy tobacco for a month and 13 days, then suddenly legal again.