1944: D-Day Update


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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1944: D-Day, a WW2 based first-person shooter game that is being developed on the Source Engine (As only a modification, not the whole game), is nearing its release phase. Alpha members will receive the mod first, then it will soon after be released to the rest of the public. Along with this news, the team has released some new media for us to see. Including some weapon renders and in-game screenshots:[br]

[br]This game won’t just be on the Source Engine, it will be developed on a few other platforms as well. Be sure to visit their site for even more screenshots and information.
Map looks too clean and shiney (we need some rubble!) but those models are excellent.
Yeah, not enough props in the maps. Still looks like great brushwork, though.
There could be 100 million games on WWII and I would play every one and never get tired of it. Can't wait. But yeah, the maps do look a bit too.... nice. Not enough destruction.
holy shit, i just read through the description of the full game... if they manage to pull it off this will be the greatest WWII game ever, and possibly one of THE best games ever, period... a full-scale Normandy? that's fricking insane, I will definitely be following this game
Icarusintel said:
holy shit, i just read through the description of the full game... if they manage to pull it off this will be the greatest WWII game ever, and possibly one of THE best games ever, period... a full-scale Normandy? that's fricking insane, I will definitely be following this game

The whole game isn't on the Source Engine, just a modifiaction of 1944: D-Day - If you already knew that then... DOH!

Meaning, that full-scale battle thing will probably only be on the Reality Engine (Whole game) edition.
ohh I remember hearing about this a good while abck good too see its almost complete.
-smash- said:
The whole game isn't on the Source Engine, just a modifiaction of 1944: D-Day - If you already knew that then... DOH!

Meaning, that full-scale battle thing will probably only be on the Reality Engine (Whole game) edition.
yes, i know, i read all the info, the HL2 thing is just a small mod to test the AI, the one on the Reality Engine is the real deal, and the one I'm truly waiting for... I honestly hope it turns out the way they're talking about it, it would bring me endless hours of gaming bliss
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the Reality Engine, and why have I not been informed?
I like the shots on Gamedev.net beter:
The detail on the vehicle models on their site is impressive, too.

Please don't pull the "another WWII game card." :p This is more of a simulator than any recent title. Battlefield, CoD, DoD: they vary on the realism scale, but at the core they're all arcade shooters.
The last good full-spectrum WWII simulator was World War 2 Online. I never got in to it on my home PC 'cause I had such trouble setting it up, but man, that game was an absolute blast when I was mooching off friends' computers. ^_^ The sheer scale (quarter-scale europe for a playing field!) and depth of realism just dumbfounded me.
Wow I feel like a slut, the mod seems to have gotten around overnight ;).

Any questions feel free to ask, I will answer nearly anything. With Regards to the map, we have developed it accurately based on the Map of Carentan, we opted to go for a clean look first as it allows us to get the town right. Remember we are making a full game, so we need to make every town as it was prior to the invasion. Once we have them all in game we can add the personality of shelling and wartime look. Same approach is happening with the mod, we make a clean town, get the layout correct, and realistic. Then apply the personality. At the moment the map is taking about 8 - 14 hours to compile, so we dont want to add it all at once or we would be compiling for 2 days just to get a batch of screenshots. I would prefer to have it worked on for 2 days and once its complete then compile (having a mod to play)

Anyway cheers for the interest and support its much appreciated.

Hehey, cheers Ronan :D Can't wait the mod to come out. Who cares about DOD:S... This is the real thing.
Hey guys, I’m an alpha member for this mod and if anyone says "Not another WW2 Shooter ZOMG!!!11one!" then I’m personally going to call the mafia!!!

This is one of the most ambitious games I’ve ever witnessed and i love it. Ronan is one of the most dedicated people I’ve ever spoke to, he's willing to listen to the community and take on board their criticisms and ideas (if you don’t believe me go to the game forums and look at the interviews he's doing with members!)

So everyone come along and join us on the forums and get involved with this game, the more people we get behind it the more everyone will start thinking "Maybe this guy actually know what he's on about!"

:Rant Over:

Hells, :upstare:
Looks really nice.

The only criticisms of the map screen, maybe the cobbles on the road look a bit big, and the roads very sparse. Maybe, put a car in there, or a trash can, post box. I am not familiar with what kinda objects were around in France in that era so don't flame me if they didn't have trash cans ;)
A.I. said:
Hehey, cheers Ronan :D Can't wait the mod to come out. Who cares about DOD:S... This is the real thing.

Hey I play DOD:S its pretty cool, sure it has some flaws, but every game does. I played on some really good servers as well, and it was damn good.
Hey guys, I’m an alpha member for this mod and if anyone says "Not another WW2 Shooter ZOMG!!!11one!" then I’m personally going to call the mafia!!!

How do you call the mafia? Dial 666? :eek:
enough with the ww2 mods and games already

for ****s sake, create something original for a change
You're not getting the whole point of this game - its not an arcade shooter set in WW2 (Eg. COD, MOHAA, BiA) its a WW2 simulator
I just hope valve doesn't buy these guys and ruin the game the way they did to DOD:S