
Sep 18, 2003
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Read the book or watch the DVD.

You think the Valve guys got inspiration (read: stole) from this?
It was a very good book, and I think there are definitely bits and pieces that you can recognise from it in HL2, but its done in a way that tends to compliment 1984's story rather than steal from it I think.
Yes, Valve stole all of George Orwell's ideas. George Orwell should sue. Wait, he's dead? Oh well.
Valve has openly stated many times that they are giving a not so subtle nod to Orwell's novel.
Oh Noes!!!! Stealage!!!!
Omg Somoene Made A Mod With Aliens, Thats Obviously Stealing From Hl2!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol, i love when people start saying since there are resemblances in stories, one is OBVIOUSLY a total rip off from the other.

Just remember, just about every unique idea has been used in the world, you can only work on one, change it a bit, and make it different. *sigh* pushovers...
cyberpitz said:
lol, i love when people start saying since there are resemblances in stories, one is OBVIOUSLY a total rip off from the other.

Just remember, just about every unique idea has been used in the world, you can only work on one, change it a bit, and make it different. *sigh* pushovers...
Its not exactly slight resemblances, it's quite a lot... but since valve have already openly admitted to being influenced by the book, then it's ok.

1984 is a great book/film and I urge anyone that hasn't read/seen it before to do so asap. :thumbs:
Heh. We've had a bunch of threads on this in the past years. Anyways...there are tons of connections that can be made between HL2 and 1984. If you watch Equilibrium (it's out on dvd) you'll see a shitload of 1984-esque elements...not to mention a badass movie :)
^yup, that'sa neat thing

Another one, though not 1984 related, is that the combine took earth in 7 hours then were ousted in 7 days
^Gordon is a trained professinal, he doesnt need to hear any of this.
mmhmm, the earth was made in 7 days, taken over in 7 hrs, taken back in 7 days. mmhmm.
And G-man is GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Gordon realizes through the entire Resanense Cascade has only been 7 Hrs of actual time gone by for him! ONOS!
Sure, HL2 borrowed from the ol' 1984/authoritarian oppression theme. However, 1984 pissed me off due to the noticeable absence of shotguns, pulse rifles and explosions, so the storyline tangent Valve took after HL1 was entirely commendable IMO.

A rigid anti-human society where people are unable even to reproduce or eat what they want...and you get handed automatic weapons! Fantastic game setting.
"Who's hurt?"

"Winston's been hit."

So there is also a resistance member named Winston. The main character in 1984.
That is probably no accident.

But 1984-esque themes are nothing new to borrow. Even some children's books, like Lois Lowry's The Giver, manage to borrow from 1984.
DarkStar said:
"Who's hurt?"

"Winston's been hit."

So there is also a resistance member named Winston. The main character in 1984.
Yeah, I think that's like one of the few resistance members called by name so it's probably a nod to 1984 which they did get a lot of inspiration from, though it really is just skin deep, the society in 1984 is so much more sinister than the combine occupation.
er yeah hl2 has alot of links to 1984... read the opening of 1984 and you can imagine the teniments level of hl2 pretty clearly. The party members wore blue overalls, the large posters of Big Brother on the wall :p well yeah, who cares lol.
evilsloth said:
mmhmm, the earth was made in 7 days, taken over in 7 hrs, taken back in 7 days. mmhmm.

Sry i dont get it if its a religous thing (me=jew boy) unless ur refering to 777 the number of heaven?
You should know, if Jewish, it's Genenis (sp?)
Yes, i am also jewish. YOu should read the book of Genesis

(though it was kinda 6 days cause god just laid on his ass on the seventh)
They probably also got inspiration from War of the Worlds. I mean look at the striders
if u havent noticed, people do not "love" breen, like what happened in 1984. but the premise is the same. this was a ground breaking book though. ive seen comics with reference to the thought police for example, so of course there will be stuff like this around. ever seen equilibrium?
Well, remember that you are among the equivalent of 1942's proles in most of hl2. With the metrocops being the umm... whatever is above proles, i frogot.
FireCrack said:
Well, remember that you are among the equivalent of 1942's proles in most of hl2. With the metrocops being the umm... whatever is above proles, i frogot.

looks like you forgot the books title too :p
FireCrack said:
Well, remember that you are among the equivalent of 1942's proles in most of hl2. With the metrocops being the umm... whatever is above proles, i frogot.
Metro cops= Outer Party

Also, to whoever said the Combine were defeated in seven days, your wrong. Remember the slow teleport?
actually, I've never seen that movie/book, what's it about?
maybe i'll go rent it, is it on DVD?
I honestly don't remember too much from the book as I haven't read it in a long time. I seem to remember, though that the "Big Brother"-ism in 1984 is imposed by within much of society, as opposed to an external force (including Dr. Breen).

By the way, have any of you read "Mockingbird"? It's kind of the same thing, with humanity trying to promote inward thinking with marijuana pills, and this guy trying to break out of it with first re-learning reading, and then through romance. Basically, a hatred of the things that can bring you down, and a love of the things that can bring you up. Very good read.
there was a book i read with mind police and if they thought bad things theyd get frontal lambotamies
I didn't think the film of 1984 was very good. Of course, books are always better than their film counterparts, but I'm just saying to anyone who goes off and watches 1984 on film due to this thread - don't have too high expectations.

I think I dislike it because the depressiveness of the story is made worse by John Hurt's horrifying ugliness.

Equilibrium is more of a laugh to watch, since it's like a cross between 1984 and The Matrix, with a happy ending tossed in, plus the soldiers in it look very Combine-like. Again, don't expect much :LOL: It's one of those films that are so bad and cheesy you have to wonder whether it's deliberate or not, but it's funny at least.

Comparing the 2 films is still like comparing liver and boiled potatos, to a hotdog from a street vendor. They're both crappy and good in different ways.