1up question


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Mainly for European gamers.

Do you find it's impossible to download/stream anything from www.1up.com It seems that whatever I try, direct download/stream/firefox/IE/safari,(even trying to get podcasts by them though Itunes) I barely get above 4kb/s a which makes the exercise futile to say the least. The sites not blocked by my AV or anything and I can happily get 240 KB/S at other download sites such as gametrailers or gamespot without a hitch. I'm curious as to whether other people might experience similar things and whether anyone can offer up a solution.
I'm from the US and when streaming their videos I get a steady 4-5Kb/s as well. (viewing task manager networking tab) But it's more than fast enough to keep up with the video as it plays. It finished loading an 8min video and I was ~2 min into watching it.

Although when downloading the file manually (not streaming)I get 400-500KB/s.
I get slow speeds from them as well, but I think it has to do with my internets. Some equipment broke for them yesterday so I'm not on full speed.
I'm from the US and when streaming their videos I get a steady 4-5Kb/s as well. (viewing task manager networking tab) But it's more than fast enough to keep up with the video as it plays. It finished loading an 8min video and I was ~2 min into watching it.

Although when downloading the file manually (not streaming)I get 400-500KB/s.

I'm on about 4-5kb/s regardless of whether I stream or Download..no speed increase for either. To put it into perspective, it would take me 40 hours to download a 150 MB file apparently....
I'm not sure why the streaming video stutters for ya. It doesn't take much for it to download ahead of where you are watching. Is your network connection spiking or loosing packets?
I've not had problems with streaming media, be it podcasts or videos, from 1up or gamevideos. Having said that though, I can't get the latest edition of the 1up show to load in browser past the 15 minute mark.