2 cool RPG games

First one's lame. Would make more shens to change the title, delete the first link and get rid of that annoying empty space, but still...guess I fell for it. :(
Should I re-post Urban Dead without the word RPG in the title?

Edit: How long is this Rim-fire thing going to last?
I'm a medic in West Boundwood, come and join me if you want, my name is Kills A Lot :)
I have 3 characters.
riomhaire 025: a medic holding out in some hospital(good supply of medkits)
Rim Fire: A consumer hiding out in a mall with about 30 zombies nearby(I don't think this will last extremly long but I'm barricaded in at least)
a zombie(formaly riomhaire, didn't last very long): I don't know where but I'm in a group of 9 other zombies