2 days left | HL2 Hype Poll

How hyped are you?

  • Burnout

    Votes: 58 32.2%
  • Super Charged

    Votes: 42 23.3%
  • Turbo

    Votes: 26 14.4%
  • Revved

    Votes: 23 12.8%
  • Racing

    Votes: 7 3.9%
  • Drifting

    Votes: 11 6.1%
  • Coasting

    Votes: 7 3.9%
  • Breaking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stopped

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • Locked'n'Gone

    Votes: 3 1.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
(Last one! I'l post the comparisons of the hype 2weeks, 1week and 2days before - tomorrow ish :))

How hyped are you?!

Burnout - OMFG R0x0rZ! - Constant Hype - eat sleep dream hl2
Super Charged - f3kiN a/\/\aZ1N! - Can't stop thinking about hl2
Turbo - ^_^ HappyHappy ^_^ - hl2 is in your head
Revved - Yippie! - hl2 cheers you up
Racing - Yahoo! - you think of hl2 2/3 times a day
Drifting - YaY - you think of hl2 every day or so
Coasting - Oh yeah - you're glad its here but life>hl2
Breaking - half li.. oh look a birdy! - dont mind hl2
Stopped - no way hozay - dont care at all about hl2
Locked'n'Gone - like i give a .. - hl2 is too overrated!
Should of made it a poll. -edit nevermind you did.
I was at burnout level during september 2003. Now Im about a turbo.
Turbo :D

ed, I shall re-rate:
Burnout - OH MY GOD! It's almost here! OMFG (cannot sleep, keep dreaming about hl2)
Super Charged - It's almost there.. just two more days.. (keep thinking of hl2)
Turbo - Wooooo, it's almost there! (think of hl2 a lot, but not too obsessed)
Revved - HL2 cheers you up a bunch, you think of it less
Racing - woop! - you think of hl2 2/3 times a day
Drifting - yay - you think of hl2 every day or so
Coasting - HL2 in two days, that's cool.. but life is more important
Breaking - Meh.. how about pie? - don't mind it
Stopped - HL2? Oh, right, that game. Meh. - don't like it
Locked'n'Gone - Screw HL2, it's over-rated! - dislike it
Turbo and going up, damnit. Was absolutely burnout when it went gold and a week after that, then luckily the hype level dropped till a few days ago, or I'd explode. I feel the hype levels will be going through the roof on Monday and Tuesday for me.
I think ive answered this identical poll 3 times now...schtop.
Stopped, I can't play it any time soon, but it'll be back to burnout nearer christmas :)
Burnout! But I know for a fact this was a thread already.
AHHHHHHHHHHHG, MY ****ING HYPE LEVEL JUST DROPPED TO STOPPED BECAUSE OF A ****ING SPOILER, STUPID MOTHER ****ER MADE A THREAD CALLED "Why i can't play hl2, and it said the ending (he had the strategy guid)" OMFG, I think the mods should not allow any new members for about a week until everyone has beaten HL2...
Gotta be supercharged. I super excited, plus I'm a drag racing fanatic. So supercharged it is.

As i said on the other two, and this one, i'l compare the trend in the graphs of each to see how people get more hyped nearer the date.
chriso20 said:

As i said on the other two, and this one, i'l compare the trend in the graphs of each to see how people get more hyped nearer the date.

Oh, alright.
Halo 2 took all of my hype for this game.

But now that I've beaten it, I hope to rebuild my excitement from before.
I :
- took 2 weeks of holidays
- bought 2*26 beers
- bought 2*10 packets of cigarettes
- prepared 5.1 sound system
- bought 10 packets pf cookies
- phoned to my friends i wont be joinable from tuesday to friday

The_Monkey said:
Revved...but haven't we had the same poll three times?

Read past posts!!

chriso20 said:

As i said on the other two, and this one, i'l compare the trend in the graphs of each to see how people get more hyped nearer the date.
Im drifting, as Im coming up to a turn and need to slow down. Allthough I think by tommrow I will by racing again, then on the home straight, Im going to stick on the N20 and burnout.