2 Days to Vegas = Photo Realistic

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Jul 8, 2003
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This is truly one of the most impressive eye-popping game. Its a GTA clone actually being developed by STEEL MONKEYS. Whaddya say man, this game is truly the next generation of GTA clone although the character models luke a bit weird. Gamespot is listing it for PC, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3. Whaddya think about this game? Check out at http://www.steelmonkeys.com/eng/projects_eng.html & click 2 Days to Vegas. Its photorealistic.
A bit old but yer, it looks like it could be awesome! :D
We've seen the shots before and, no, we have not yet reached photorealism. Yes, it looks fantastic... but photorealistic is a huge claim.
Yeah, old but still looking good.I wouldn't say its photorealistic though, we're still not just there yet.:)
As everyone was saying, very old and very fake. These are not ingame screen shots.
barely photo realistic i mean the buildings are cartoony looking, the car looks pretty good, but still not photo realistic, although next-generation for sure.
I don't care about the game.
OMFG PHOTOREALISTIC GRAFIX!@!111@@-yawn!- ...and (probably) totally uninnovative and uninspired gameplay!

which game doesn't have renders this good ? the actual game looks a bit different though, eh ?
Ah yes, we've all seen these before.

Next time, please use the search feature.
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