2 new wallpapers HL2-OldPaper and HL2-Plasma!


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Just got back from my vacation, now these are my latest peices of work.

I couldn't upload HL2-OldPaper because it is too big.
You would have to check it at my website !

(hang on for awhile if it doesn't work because I'm looking at a new host in the near future)


  • hl2-plasma_low.jpg
    88.9 KB · Views: 268
photoshop filters dude. I like it because BWMASTER is treying out some effects for himself instead of following tutorials. (wich means that he is way over the basic skills required to open a image in PS and flip it horizontal ;p)
lol..i dont use tutorials either! but i could not imagine ps standart filters creating such a plasma effect
smoke --> levels -- > plastic --> colour layer + a dodge layer

This is wat pops into my mind when I look @ the wallpaper
I am experimenting alot. The burned paper idea I got from a previous project I had to do for school. It was a report for a book by shakespeare.

LMAO I think did half of it wrong but got lvl 4+++ (A+++, i'm not joking)
and then the teacher asked me if he could hold on to it because he wants to show other people what a lvl 4+++ means.

You can see a example from that project on my website(which will get a new host soon) in the Misc.-Art section.

BTW, EVIL in your filters example (which would take 30 sec to do) will not get the effect I wanted.

I used distort filters alot but then at the end i used select color to select all the white highlights and add another layer of white, blurr it and reduce opacity. It made it alot shynier.

The Plasma one r0x! but, wait a second. !!! Are those the same little squares in Plasma that are in Sun!!:eek: *gasp*
Bah, who cares, it still r0x.:D :E
"Do not underestimate the squares, for you shall suffer a most painfull death."

Originally posted by BWMASTER
I am experimenting alot. The burned paper idea I got from a previous project I had to do for school. It was a report for a book by shakespeare.

LMAO I think did half of it wrong but got lvl 4+++ (A+++, i'm not joking)
and then the teacher asked me if he could hold on to it because he wants to show other people what a lvl 4+++ means.

You can see a example from that project on my website(which will get a new host soon) in the Misc.-Art section.

BTW, EVIL in your filters example (which would take 30 sec to do) will not get the effect I wanted.

I used distort filters alot but then at the end i used select color to select all the white highlights and add another layer of white, blurr it and reduce opacity. It made it alot shynier.


i am sure it will be alot complexer. but what i said is just what i thought at the moment. and i am sure i am right about the plastic and clouds thing.