2 Questions (Sound & Video)



Ok, my first question is probably a long shot, as it's probably something I've screwed up somehow. I have a microphone and headphones. both run along the same wire then split at the end as two different jacks. I have them plugged in properly, as far as i know. The new computer I've just built has 6 sound in/out slots on the back. The slot i have the mic plugged into is the only one that allows the mic to work, and the slot i have the headphones plugged into is the only one that seems to allow sound to work. (On default settings that is). The problem is, when i talk in teamspeak, or in counter strike / whateva, people can hear what i hear, as if I'm using speakers. So if I'm shooting someone while i talk, they can all hear the gun sounds too, which evidently is quite loud.

I've tried messing with a lot of controls both on the PC and in the sound part of the control panel, but everything either keeps it the same or just allows no mic. I have another program, that I believe is from my Asus Motherboard.. it's a sound program that runs in the back. It has tons of settings, most of which I dont know anything about. I've tried fiddling around with it but it doesnt help. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions of how to simply limit what my microphone catches to my voice, that would be great.

My second question is probably rather simple. I play a lit of CSS and Gary's mod. Recently I've purchased BF2, and in order to play it I need to set my graphics card at 4x AGP through my BIOS rather than 8x. The computer I'm using is brand new, I've been building it for a while now, but the final piece I need is the video card. So for now I'm using a 9200 SE 128MB AGP. 9200 isn't supported by BF2, so i need to change it to 4x AGP and 128MB in the BIOS. which is no problem, and the game runs fine. The thing I'm wondering is, Will having this at 4x AGP affect my CSS frame rates? Or will it be hardly noticeable? Lately I've been attaining roughly 90-140 FPS on CSS, and I'd like it to remain that way. BF2 isn't worth ruining CSS.

Thanks to anyone who can help with either question.

System Specs:
9200 SE 128 MB AGP
AMD64 4000+
120GB 10000RPM SATA HD
Windows XP SP2
Fully updated Catalyst Drivers.
holydeadpenguins said:
Do you have your motherboard's chipset drivers in?. P.S. You have a very unbalanced system.

Yes I do, and no my system is perfectly balanced, as stated I haven't purchased the video card yet, so I'm still usin an old one.
From what i have heard, using AGP4x wont be a huge noticeable performance difference. What video card you planning on getting? That'l be one mother of a system.
You probably have Mic in the Line In port instead of the Mic port. Are the ports color coded? Try the red port if they are. You will want to turn on Microphone boost so they can hear you via the microphone port.
J_Tweedy said:
From what i have heard, using AGP4x wont be a huge noticeable performance difference. What video card you planning on getting? That'l be one mother of a system.

That's good to hear. And I'm considering transferring my 6800 Ultra from my old computer to this one, or just waiting for the 7800's. not sure yet.

Asus said:
You probably have Mic in the Line In port instead of the Mic port. Are the ports color coded? Try the red port if they are. You will want to turn on Microphone boost so they can hear you via the microphone port.

They are color coded yes. Here is a picture (taken with my phone, sry for quality)

Anyways, the mic is plugged into the redish colored one. The orange one doesnt seem to work at all..
dude goto the windows sound controls and make sure the mic port isn't muted. thats usually a problem i get after making people new computers.
Mic port is not muted.. my mic is picking up my voice fine, its just adding what i hear to it.
Dreadlord, go into the system volume controls > click on options > properties > select "adjust volume for" : recording > ensure that "What You Hear" and "Microphone" are both selected, this will change the volume controls to show the volume for "What You Hear" and "Microphone". Make sure that the Microphone has the "select" box ticked underneath it and that "What You Hear" doesn't.