2 year old 2 pack a day smoker


Feb 3, 2005
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At just the tender age of two, Ardi Rizal's health has been so ruined by his 40-a-day habit that he now struggles to move by himself.

His mother, Diana, 26, wept: "He's totally addicted.
oh, wow. lol

But in spite of this, his fishmonger father Mohammed, 30, said: "He looks pretty healthy to me. I don't see the problem."

Ardi's youth is the extreme of a disturbing trend. Data from the Central Statistics Agency showed 25 per cent of Indonesian children aged three to 15 have tried cigarettes, with 3.2 per cent of those active smokers.
Damn, son.

The ****ed up question is - why did they give the kid cigarettes in the first place.
Because they couldn't afford or find a monkey.

I'm also happy to see that the father has x-ray eyes.
25 per cent of Indonesian children aged three to 15 have tried cigarettes, with 3.2 per cent of those active smokers.
So 0.8%?
It's not that high, but should be zero. Retardo parents.
I know it's supposed to be sad and all but I laughed so much.

He don't give a fuk-

damn, and I thought I was a heavy smoker. My lungs feel like shit after smoking a little over half a pack, and I've been smoking for just 4 years. This kid's ****ed
Shouldn't he be skinny from all that smoking? lol
But, despite local officials' offer to buy the Rizal family a new car if the boy quits, his parents feel unable to stop him because he throws massive tantrums if they don't indulge him.
I didn't care much to begin with, but all the care I might've given just went out the window. Shitty-ass parents. The kid is two goddamn years old; what's he gonna do? They said he cries and beats his head against the wall; well, let him cry. And if he beats his head against the wall, EVENTUALLY HE'LL STOP.


"Peterson said what?! Get him the **** in my office!"
You're a terrible person, and I'm worse for laughing.
Worst parents, even worse government for not stepping in.
This dude is like a baby crime lord.

So, when he's old enough to know better, he can blame his parents for killing him by providing him with cigarettes. He's puffing on that shit like it's candy.

Should have let him blow bubbles or some shit, ****. What terrible parents.

Here's an update.

toddler Ardi Rizal's two-pack-a-day cigarette habit sparks outrage
What stupid parents. If he has trouble MOVING AROUND due to his cigarette habit, stop giving him smokes. It's not like he can get more. Problem solved. Not that it should have ever been a problem in the first place. I love how his dad is like "so wut, i been smokin sinz i wuz liek 11 dawg he all good yo" (because indonesian fishermen speak ebonics obviously)

I just quit smoking a few days ago (about a pack a day) and I'm feelin great. My lungs haven't cleared up yet and my cravings are HORRIBLE but manageable and I'm enjoying my slowly returning senses of taste and smell.
Sadly, this probably has more to do with the parents trying to make some money off of this story than with them being unable to make him quit.
I didn't care much to begin with, but all the care I might've given just went out the window. Shitty-ass parents. The kid is two goddamn years old; what's he gonna do? They said he cries and beats his head against the wall; well, let him cry. And if he beats his head against the wall, EVENTUALLY HE'LL STOP.

I lol'd.
It's a bit harsh just to pull him off them if he's smoking 40 a day.

They should wean him off them and accept that a two year old is going to cry when it doesn't get what it wants... shitty parents
Oh man. It's so wrong but the way he's taken to it is so ****ing funny. He's twirling the cigs and using a lit one to light another one damndamndamndamndamn.
Hmm... They should put him in cigarette commercials.
already posted, but regarding government intervention: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyl...010-05-28_smoking_toddler_sparks_outrage.html

I'm not sure exactly how it works in the US, but I think the government would get involved since you have to be an adult to smoke here.

There's no age requirement for smoking in Indonesia, apparently. But maybe there should be. Seems they are largely unaware of the risks associated with smoking cigarettes.
That's not the Government's job.

It isn't?

Doesn't the government have a duty towards, you know, keeping its citizens healthy and safe? Also cigarette laws.

EDIT: What Virus said.
No, Numbers. It isn't.

There's no age requirement for smoking in Indonesia, apparently.

*clings to quoting VirusType as a way of keeping his sinking metaphorical boat alive*
this is worse than the little kid smoking pot

far worse

I thought of this too. The media went CRAZY about that which, to an extent, they were right to do so but this goes far beyond a quick inhalation of pot.

A good amount of parents occasionally give a thimble of alcohol to their children when they are teething...just saying :upstare:
this is worse than the little kid smoking pot

far worse

Haha, I didn't even think of that. It is pretty ironic how there was a veritable media shitstorm after that (which was a 3 year old taking a hit on a blunt), something that while certainly not good for a kid with their developing brain is also not going to do a lot of damage... and people are more inclined to say "huh wow look at that" when they see a 2 year old who smokes FORTY CIGARETTES A DAY. I smoked like a goddamn chimney and I still only managed half of that every day. 40 cigs a day is something like 1 every 20 minutes... practically chainsmoking. The health effects, especially on a little kid's lungs, are unfathomably bad.

Also, you are officially my favorite 2010 regdate, due to the combination of your username, avatar, and first post. Welcome to the forums :)
seems like laws in indonesia are "dont **** whit the goverment" and nothing else

I also heard child are jailed in adult prisons and convicted as adults since they dont have a diference in the law of that
As long as you factor out the costs of organ transplants, cancer treatment, emphysema drugs, and the like, then yes you're correct.
Smokers actually cost alot less to take care of than people living a healthy lifestyle because they die sooner.
Because, as we all know, parents cover all of their childrens medical bills until the day they die.